why are the top of mountains freezing cold and snowy when they are closer to the sun than the ground is? /u/Moodybab3x No such thing as stupid questions

why are the top of mountains freezing cold and snowy when they are closer to the sun than the ground is? /u/Moodybab3x No such thing as stupid questions

I always wondered this and my thought process behind it is that the equator is closer to the sun and therefore hotter so why does the same not apply for the top of mountains?

submitted by /u/Moodybab3x
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​r/NoStupidQuestions I always wondered this and my thought process behind it is that the equator is closer to the sun and therefore hotter so why does the same not apply for the top of mountains? submitted by /u/Moodybab3x [link] [comments] 

I always wondered this and my thought process behind it is that the equator is closer to the sun and therefore hotter so why does the same not apply for the top of mountains?

submitted by /u/Moodybab3x
[link] [comments]  I always wondered this and my thought process behind it is that the equator is closer to the sun and therefore hotter so why does the same not apply for the top of mountains? submitted by /u/Moodybab3x [link] [comments]

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Does anyone else hate their country? /u/vampire_bibrid No such thing as stupid questions

Does anyone else hate their country? /u/vampire_bibrid No such thing as stupid questions

I hate my country. I just have some not-so-good experiences there that I’m so glad to have finally left behind. My values don’t mesh well with those of my home country, either. I’m just very different from the majority of people from my home country.

I’ve since moved to the country of my choice, where I am much happier than I ever was in my home country.

Of course, I still suffer from anxiety and depression but that’s just me. The country I live in now is absolutely perfect in every way, at least for me.

Does anyone else hate their home country? Do you ever tell the people around you that you hate your country, or do you simply smile and pretend to be a patriot?

submitted by /u/vampire_bibrid
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​r/NoStupidQuestions I hate my country. I just have some not-so-good experiences there that I’m so glad to have finally left behind. My values don’t mesh well with those of my home country, either. I’m just very different from the majority of people from my home country. I’ve since moved to the country of my choice, where I am much happier than I ever was in my home country. Of course, I still suffer from anxiety and depression but that’s just me. The country I live in now is absolutely perfect in every way, at least for me. Does anyone else hate their home country? Do you ever tell the people around you that you hate your country, or do you simply smile and pretend to be a patriot? submitted by /u/vampire_bibrid [link] [comments] 

I hate my country. I just have some not-so-good experiences there that I’m so glad to have finally left behind. My values don’t mesh well with those of my home country, either. I’m just very different from the majority of people from my home country.

I’ve since moved to the country of my choice, where I am much happier than I ever was in my home country.

Of course, I still suffer from anxiety and depression but that’s just me. The country I live in now is absolutely perfect in every way, at least for me.

Does anyone else hate their home country? Do you ever tell the people around you that you hate your country, or do you simply smile and pretend to be a patriot?

submitted by /u/vampire_bibrid
[link] [comments]  I hate my country. I just have some not-so-good experiences there that I’m so glad to have finally left behind. My values don’t mesh well with those of my home country, either. I’m just very different from the majority of people from my home country. I’ve since moved to the country of my choice, where I am much happier than I ever was in my home country. Of course, I still suffer from anxiety and depression but that’s just me. The country I live in now is absolutely perfect in every way, at least for me. Does anyone else hate their home country? Do you ever tell the people around you that you hate your country, or do you simply smile and pretend to be a patriot? submitted by /u/vampire_bibrid [link] [comments]

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Why are we seeing a regression from the Sexual Revolution era? /u/Venus_Retrograde No such thing as stupid questions

Why are we seeing a regression from the Sexual Revolution era? /u/Venus_Retrograde No such thing as stupid questions

Being back on Reddit after a few months. I was shocked to learn that young people are more inclined to go back to purity concepts– no masturbation, less casual sex, etc.

More and more people see porn and masturbation negatively compared to a few decades ago where sexual liberation was a very strong movement. 90s and 2000s were all about teen sexual awakening. We had movies like American Pie, Van Wilder, Eurotrip, etc– movies that normalizes sex, masturbation, and pornography. It is interesting to see that there is a reversal of perceptions on these concepts particularly with the youth and especially in the West (the bastion of sexual liberation).

Do you have any idea why this is happening?

submitted by /u/Venus_Retrograde
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​r/NoStupidQuestions Being back on Reddit after a few months. I was shocked to learn that young people are more inclined to go back to purity concepts– no masturbation, less casual sex, etc. More and more people see porn and masturbation negatively compared to a few decades ago where sexual liberation was a very strong movement. 90s and 2000s were all about teen sexual awakening. We had movies like American Pie, Van Wilder, Eurotrip, etc– movies that normalizes sex, masturbation, and pornography. It is interesting to see that there is a reversal of perceptions on these concepts particularly with the youth and especially in the West (the bastion of sexual liberation). Do you have any idea why this is happening? submitted by /u/Venus_Retrograde [link] [comments] 

Being back on Reddit after a few months. I was shocked to learn that young people are more inclined to go back to purity concepts– no masturbation, less casual sex, etc.

More and more people see porn and masturbation negatively compared to a few decades ago where sexual liberation was a very strong movement. 90s and 2000s were all about teen sexual awakening. We had movies like American Pie, Van Wilder, Eurotrip, etc– movies that normalizes sex, masturbation, and pornography. It is interesting to see that there is a reversal of perceptions on these concepts particularly with the youth and especially in the West (the bastion of sexual liberation).

Do you have any idea why this is happening?

submitted by /u/Venus_Retrograde
[link] [comments]  Being back on Reddit after a few months. I was shocked to learn that young people are more inclined to go back to purity concepts– no masturbation, less casual sex, etc. More and more people see porn and masturbation negatively compared to a few decades ago where sexual liberation was a very strong movement. 90s and 2000s were all about teen sexual awakening. We had movies like American Pie, Van Wilder, Eurotrip, etc– movies that normalizes sex, masturbation, and pornography. It is interesting to see that there is a reversal of perceptions on these concepts particularly with the youth and especially in the West (the bastion of sexual liberation). Do you have any idea why this is happening? submitted by /u/Venus_Retrograde [link] [comments]

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Why do flat earthers really believe that the earth is actually flat? /u/Moodybab3x No such thing as stupid questions

Why do flat earthers really believe that the earth is actually flat? /u/Moodybab3x No such thing as stupid questions

I’m amazed at what a following this ideal has and I’m really curious as to why people follow it in an almost cult like fashion

submitted by /u/Moodybab3x
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​r/NoStupidQuestions I’m amazed at what a following this ideal has and I’m really curious as to why people follow it in an almost cult like fashion submitted by /u/Moodybab3x [link] [comments] 

I’m amazed at what a following this ideal has and I’m really curious as to why people follow it in an almost cult like fashion

submitted by /u/Moodybab3x
[link] [comments]  I’m amazed at what a following this ideal has and I’m really curious as to why people follow it in an almost cult like fashion submitted by /u/Moodybab3x [link] [comments]

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Does losing your virginity hurt really bad? /u/OkPermission6102 No such thing as stupid questions

Does losing your virginity hurt really bad? /u/OkPermission6102 No such thing as stupid questions

I’ve heard that losing your virginity can hurt, and then sometimes be unbearable, which makes me feel very nervous lmao. Will it hurt the next couple of times after losing it or will it be completely better the next time?

And will it be uncomfortable during the entire time you have sex for the first time?

submitted by /u/OkPermission6102
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​r/NoStupidQuestions I’ve heard that losing your virginity can hurt, and then sometimes be unbearable, which makes me feel very nervous lmao. Will it hurt the next couple of times after losing it or will it be completely better the next time? And will it be uncomfortable during the entire time you have sex for the first time? submitted by /u/OkPermission6102 [link] [comments] 

I’ve heard that losing your virginity can hurt, and then sometimes be unbearable, which makes me feel very nervous lmao. Will it hurt the next couple of times after losing it or will it be completely better the next time?

And will it be uncomfortable during the entire time you have sex for the first time?

submitted by /u/OkPermission6102
[link] [comments]  I’ve heard that losing your virginity can hurt, and then sometimes be unbearable, which makes me feel very nervous lmao. Will it hurt the next couple of times after losing it or will it be completely better the next time? And will it be uncomfortable during the entire time you have sex for the first time? submitted by /u/OkPermission6102 [link] [comments]

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If someone is sitting on my car can I physically move them? /u/Bread_Responsible No such thing as stupid questions

If someone is sitting on my car can I physically move them? /u/Bread_Responsible No such thing as stupid questions

Just saw a video of one of those parking lot idiots who stood in the parking spot to save it and refused to move. She ended up basically sitting on the guys car and she wasn’t a skinny girl. Can I get out of my car and, not hit, but like get her off my car for fear of her damaging it? I don’t mean like slugging her in the face or something. But can I push her away (not to the ground) from my property? Or is that still gonna get me charged with assault?

submitted by /u/Bread_Responsible
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​r/NoStupidQuestions Just saw a video of one of those parking lot idiots who stood in the parking spot to save it and refused to move. She ended up basically sitting on the guys car and she wasn’t a skinny girl. Can I get out of my car and, not hit, but like get her off my car for fear of her damaging it? I don’t mean like slugging her in the face or something. But can I push her away (not to the ground) from my property? Or is that still gonna get me charged with assault? submitted by /u/Bread_Responsible [link] [comments] 

Just saw a video of one of those parking lot idiots who stood in the parking spot to save it and refused to move. She ended up basically sitting on the guys car and she wasn’t a skinny girl. Can I get out of my car and, not hit, but like get her off my car for fear of her damaging it? I don’t mean like slugging her in the face or something. But can I push her away (not to the ground) from my property? Or is that still gonna get me charged with assault?

submitted by /u/Bread_Responsible
[link] [comments]  Just saw a video of one of those parking lot idiots who stood in the parking spot to save it and refused to move. She ended up basically sitting on the guys car and she wasn’t a skinny girl. Can I get out of my car and, not hit, but like get her off my car for fear of her damaging it? I don’t mean like slugging her in the face or something. But can I push her away (not to the ground) from my property? Or is that still gonna get me charged with assault? submitted by /u/Bread_Responsible [link] [comments]

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How are adults supposed to learn to drive stick for the first time? /u/ayyycab No such thing as stupid questions

How are adults supposed to learn to drive stick for the first time? /u/ayyycab No such thing as stupid questions

Every person I know who drives stick says I should learn it. They even say they’d be willing to teach me.

“Sweet, can we use your car?”
“Oh hell no, you’ll wear out the clutch.”

So if I’m basically guaranteed to ruin some car parts in the process of learning to drive stick, whose car am I supposed to do that to? Am I supposed to go out and buy one to practice in? What if I want the skill but don’t necessarily want a manual car right this second?

Surely I’m not the first person to want to learn manual in adulthood.

submitted by /u/ayyycab
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​r/NoStupidQuestions Every person I know who drives stick says I should learn it. They even say they’d be willing to teach me. “Sweet, can we use your car?” “Oh hell no, you’ll wear out the clutch.” So if I’m basically guaranteed to ruin some car parts in the process of learning to drive stick, whose car am I supposed to do that to? Am I supposed to go out and buy one to practice in? What if I want the skill but don’t necessarily want a manual car right this second? Surely I’m not the first person to want to learn manual in adulthood. submitted by /u/ayyycab [link] [comments] 

Every person I know who drives stick says I should learn it. They even say they’d be willing to teach me.

“Sweet, can we use your car?”
“Oh hell no, you’ll wear out the clutch.”

So if I’m basically guaranteed to ruin some car parts in the process of learning to drive stick, whose car am I supposed to do that to? Am I supposed to go out and buy one to practice in? What if I want the skill but don’t necessarily want a manual car right this second?

Surely I’m not the first person to want to learn manual in adulthood.

submitted by /u/ayyycab
[link] [comments]  Every person I know who drives stick says I should learn it. They even say they’d be willing to teach me. “Sweet, can we use your car?” “Oh hell no, you’ll wear out the clutch.” So if I’m basically guaranteed to ruin some car parts in the process of learning to drive stick, whose car am I supposed to do that to? Am I supposed to go out and buy one to practice in? What if I want the skill but don’t necessarily want a manual car right this second? Surely I’m not the first person to want to learn manual in adulthood. submitted by /u/ayyycab [link] [comments]

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