A few words about Adult Fetish Finder

adultfetishfinder.com - www.adultfetishfinder.com

A few words about Adult fetish finder

Hey all,

I take the time for this second post of the day, the previous being about onlyfanspetite.com and funsizegirls.com, to tell you a few words about Adult fetish finder, as the title brilliantly states.

So to start, let me present this project in a nutshell :

We started on Adult fetish finder after the fall of our former Adult Social media Site/platform/(whatever) with a purpose in mind : Building a place for Kinkster, Fetishist and other amateurs of sexual fantasy or curiosity to  have a safe haven, without google and other cookies excited spywares.

And that’s what we are doing : providing  a safe Adult space on the web.

Adult fetish finder actual state - questions were asked...

We are getting a lot of questions about adult fetish finder and I will try to answer some of them.
Question : Is it possible to register to adultfetishfinder.com
Answer : As for now, adultfetishfinder.com is still running in Beta mode on a beta server, with beta admins, it is possible to register and create your profile, even post things but you have to know that  you will be limited in your moves, as we are putting limits on medias size and max number until we switch to full scale mode.
Question : Who can use adultfetishfinder.com
Answer : Adults. More specifically, adults looking for adults.
Question : Is adultfetishfinder.com allowed (and safe) for sex workers / sex creators
Answer : Yes we accept sex creators and sex workers but there will be some restrictions as We won’t allow public posts to promote escort service and we will only allow dully verified creators and sex workers to post and promote their services, pages and content.

Question : is adultfetishfinder.com safe
Answer : The site is actually safe, as there are few subscribers so far and we are closely monitoring the content posted.

Other questions : Many others questions were asked
Answer :  wait for the FAQ to be online (soon)


Create your profile now : https://www.adultfetishfinder.com


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