Struggling to stay erect at my partners house. /u/SavathunsUnderwear Sex

I’ve been with my partner for coming up to two years now and I have struggled with sexual arousal for a couple years prior to getting with them. I’ve got progressively better over the years and our sex life has taken an amazing turn and I’m grateful for her patience, however, until recently, I thought I was still struggling with maintaining my erections during sex unless I’d had a few days to a week to chill between sessions, but I discovered that actually, when she and I do it at my place, I have zero issues keeping it up, to the point where we were both actually quite shocked at the difference. To put it to the test we naturally had sex at hers the following week and for the most part it was okay, but it did become a struggle at points. In one way this was a relief for her because she was worried she was the problem, but it’s clear now that for some strange reason, it’s just, her house.

Can anyone help me to understand why this happens and what I could do to overcome it?

submitted by /u/SavathunsUnderwear
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​r/sex I’ve been with my partner for coming up to two years now and I have struggled with sexual arousal for a couple years prior to getting with them. I’ve got progressively better over the years and our sex life has taken an amazing turn and I’m grateful for her patience, however, until recently, I thought I was still struggling with maintaining my erections during sex unless I’d had a few days to a week to chill between sessions, but I discovered that actually, when she and I do it at my place, I have zero issues keeping it up, to the point where we were both actually quite shocked at the difference. To put it to the test we naturally had sex at hers the following week and for the most part it was okay, but it did become a struggle at points. In one way this was a relief for her because she was worried she was the problem, but it’s clear now that for some strange reason, it’s just, her house. Can anyone help me to understand why this happens and what I could do to overcome it? submitted by /u/SavathunsUnderwear [link] [comments] 

I’ve been with my partner for coming up to two years now and I have struggled with sexual arousal for a couple years prior to getting with them. I’ve got progressively better over the years and our sex life has taken an amazing turn and I’m grateful for her patience, however, until recently, I thought I was still struggling with maintaining my erections during sex unless I’d had a few days to a week to chill between sessions, but I discovered that actually, when she and I do it at my place, I have zero issues keeping it up, to the point where we were both actually quite shocked at the difference. To put it to the test we naturally had sex at hers the following week and for the most part it was okay, but it did become a struggle at points. In one way this was a relief for her because she was worried she was the problem, but it’s clear now that for some strange reason, it’s just, her house.

Can anyone help me to understand why this happens and what I could do to overcome it?

submitted by /u/SavathunsUnderwear
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