Really want to have sex with a guy /u/eekawi732 Sex

My whole life I’ve pretty much identified as gay and always dated women. I have an attraction for men but nothing that’s been taken to the level of physical contact. Lately though, I have a really strong attraction to men. I flirt with them a lot, and I think about sex with them all the time. I literately ache thinking about it. There is a guy I really like, and he even told my friend he likes me. However, he thinks I’m fully gay because that’s what I’ve always claimed to be. I want to let him know I wanna get with him like he does me but in a classy way, but I don’t know how. Another issue is I really wanna have sex with him but I don’t want to do it too soon and he doesn’t respect me, because I’ve heard that happens. This is new territory for me and I have no idea how to go about it.

EDIT: just to clarify I’m a girl lol forgot to clarify

submitted by /u/eekawi732
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​r/sex My whole life I’ve pretty much identified as gay and always dated women. I have an attraction for men but nothing that’s been taken to the level of physical contact. Lately though, I have a really strong attraction to men. I flirt with them a lot, and I think about sex with them all the time. I literately ache thinking about it. There is a guy I really like, and he even told my friend he likes me. However, he thinks I’m fully gay because that’s what I’ve always claimed to be. I want to let him know I wanna get with him like he does me but in a classy way, but I don’t know how. Another issue is I really wanna have sex with him but I don’t want to do it too soon and he doesn’t respect me, because I’ve heard that happens. This is new territory for me and I have no idea how to go about it. EDIT: just to clarify I’m a girl lol forgot to clarify submitted by /u/eekawi732 [link] [comments] 

My whole life I’ve pretty much identified as gay and always dated women. I have an attraction for men but nothing that’s been taken to the level of physical contact. Lately though, I have a really strong attraction to men. I flirt with them a lot, and I think about sex with them all the time. I literately ache thinking about it. There is a guy I really like, and he even told my friend he likes me. However, he thinks I’m fully gay because that’s what I’ve always claimed to be. I want to let him know I wanna get with him like he does me but in a classy way, but I don’t know how. Another issue is I really wanna have sex with him but I don’t want to do it too soon and he doesn’t respect me, because I’ve heard that happens. This is new territory for me and I have no idea how to go about it.

EDIT: just to clarify I’m a girl lol forgot to clarify

submitted by /u/eekawi732
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