Earlier during the court session, the man said he had used generative artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT to search for cases, after the judge asked him for the source of the cases cited in his written submissions. The judge told him that the cases he referred to did not exist and that ChatGPT is not a legal research tool. submitted by /u/fatcatbiohaz |
r/singapore Earlier during the court session, the man said he had used generative artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT to search for cases, after the judge asked him for the source of the cases cited in his written submissions. The judge told him that the cases he referred to did not exist and that ChatGPT is not a legal research tool. submitted by /u/fatcatbiohaz [link] [comments]
Earlier during the court session, the man said he had used generative artificial intelligence tool ChatGPT to search for cases, after the judge asked him for the source of the cases cited in his written submissions. The judge told him that the cases he referred to did not exist and that ChatGPT is not a legal research tool. submitted by /u/fatcatbiohaz |