Was scrolling through photos when found these, immediately recalled Fable_5’s post from 6 years ago. Well, in this case only my brother and probably his roomate were involved in decorating their dorm room. We live in an ex-Eastern Block country, that’s probably why we love Minecraft so much. I visited him in the December 2022 and chuckled at what they did after insulating the dorm window. This lone detail made his room (with a creaky wooden floor, a metal bed that sagged to the floor and a noisy ancient refrigerator) 10x more comfortable. I hope whoever lives in that room now did not remove the tape, nor broke the glass pane submitted by /u/Bekoss |
r/Minecraft Was scrolling through photos when found these, immediately recalled Fable_5’s post from 6 years ago. Well, in this case only my brother and probably his roomate were involved in decorating their dorm room. We live in an ex-Eastern Block country, that’s probably why we love Minecraft so much. I visited him in the December 2022 and chuckled at what they did after insulating the dorm window. This lone detail made his room (with a creaky wooden floor, a metal bed that sagged to the floor and a noisy ancient refrigerator) 10x more comfortable. I hope whoever lives in that room now did not remove the tape, nor broke the glass pane submitted by /u/Bekoss [link] [comments]
Was scrolling through photos when found these, immediately recalled Fable_5’s post from 6 years ago. Well, in this case only my brother and probably his roomate were involved in decorating their dorm room. We live in an ex-Eastern Block country, that’s probably why we love Minecraft so much. I visited him in the December 2022 and chuckled at what they did after insulating the dorm window. This lone detail made his room (with a creaky wooden floor, a metal bed that sagged to the floor and a noisy ancient refrigerator) 10x more comfortable. I hope whoever lives in that room now did not remove the tape, nor broke the glass pane submitted by /u/Bekoss |