Serious Question: Do you find that porn desensitises you to real word arousal/encounters? /u/jingumastery Sex

Wouldn’t say I’m regular consumer but I did for a bit and during that time I wasn’t as aroused over things I would’ve have been when I basically didn’t watch any porn or masturbate. And maybe I experienced performance issues in the period I was consuming porn.

submitted by /u/jingumastery
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​r/sex Wouldn’t say I’m regular consumer but I did for a bit and during that time I wasn’t as aroused over things I would’ve have been when I basically didn’t watch any porn or masturbate. And maybe I experienced performance issues in the period I was consuming porn. submitted by /u/jingumastery [link] [comments] 

Wouldn’t say I’m regular consumer but I did for a bit and during that time I wasn’t as aroused over things I would’ve have been when I basically didn’t watch any porn or masturbate. And maybe I experienced performance issues in the period I was consuming porn.

submitted by /u/jingumastery
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