When it comes to giving oral, do you find yourself genuinely enjoying the experience, or is it something you mainly do because you know it makes your partner happy? For me, seeing them satisfied is such a turn on. I’m curious if people feel a natural enjoyment for it, or if it’s more about the act of pleasing and satisfying their partner’s desires. How much of it is about personal enjoyment versus fulfilling your partner’s needs in the moment?
submitted by /u/InsideNote3848
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r/sex When it comes to giving oral, do you find yourself genuinely enjoying the experience, or is it something you mainly do because you know it makes your partner happy? For me, seeing them satisfied is such a turn on. I’m curious if people feel a natural enjoyment for it, or if it’s more about the act of pleasing and satisfying their partner’s desires. How much of it is about personal enjoyment versus fulfilling your partner’s needs in the moment? submitted by /u/InsideNote3848 [link] [comments]
When it comes to giving oral, do you find yourself genuinely enjoying the experience, or is it something you mainly do because you know it makes your partner happy? For me, seeing them satisfied is such a turn on. I’m curious if people feel a natural enjoyment for it, or if it’s more about the act of pleasing and satisfying their partner’s desires. How much of it is about personal enjoyment versus fulfilling your partner’s needs in the moment?
submitted by /u/InsideNote3848
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