Ultimate Druid Travel Macro 2025 /u/Routine-Vanilla841 World of Warcraft

After a bunch of searching around and testing and putting things together, I’ve come up with a druid travel macro that works everywhere and does all I need. 99% of this macro is other people’s work, just pieced together into something that works for me, so the other people deserve credit… whoever they are.

/stopmacro [flying,combat]
/run C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0)
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/cast [indoors] Cat Form; [nocombat,outdoors,advflyable][swimming]Travel Form;[outdoors]Mount Form;

So with this macro, if you are somewhere you can fly, if you press the macro while standing still, you will summon one of your favorite mounts. If you press it while moving, you will shapeshift into flight form. If you’re in water, swimming form. If you are somewhere you can’t fly, but are outdoors, you will switch into mount form (the ridable version of travel form), and finally if you are indoors you will switch into cat form.

If you are flying and somehow in combat, if you press the macro, it won’t run. But if you are flying and not in combat, you can press the button to drop out of flight form, or if mounted you will dismount and automatically switch to flight form.

Enjoy and share any of your own macros that make druid the best class to play!

submitted by /u/Routine-Vanilla841
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​r/wow After a bunch of searching around and testing and putting things together, I’ve come up with a druid travel macro that works everywhere and does all I need. 99% of this macro is other people’s work, just pieced together into something that works for me, so the other people deserve credit… whoever they are. #showtooltip /stopmacro [flying,combat] /run C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0) /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /cast [indoors] Cat Form; [nocombat,outdoors,advflyable][swimming]Travel Form;[outdoors]Mount Form; So with this macro, if you are somewhere you can fly, if you press the macro while standing still, you will summon one of your favorite mounts. If you press it while moving, you will shapeshift into flight form. If you’re in water, swimming form. If you are somewhere you can’t fly, but are outdoors, you will switch into mount form (the ridable version of travel form), and finally if you are indoors you will switch into cat form. If you are flying and somehow in combat, if you press the macro, it won’t run. But if you are flying and not in combat, you can press the button to drop out of flight form, or if mounted you will dismount and automatically switch to flight form. Enjoy and share any of your own macros that make druid the best class to play! submitted by /u/Routine-Vanilla841 [link] [comments] 

After a bunch of searching around and testing and putting things together, I’ve come up with a druid travel macro that works everywhere and does all I need. 99% of this macro is other people’s work, just pieced together into something that works for me, so the other people deserve credit… whoever they are.

/stopmacro [flying,combat]
/run C_MountJournal.SummonByID(0)
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/cast [indoors] Cat Form; [nocombat,outdoors,advflyable][swimming]Travel Form;[outdoors]Mount Form;

So with this macro, if you are somewhere you can fly, if you press the macro while standing still, you will summon one of your favorite mounts. If you press it while moving, you will shapeshift into flight form. If you’re in water, swimming form. If you are somewhere you can’t fly, but are outdoors, you will switch into mount form (the ridable version of travel form), and finally if you are indoors you will switch into cat form.

If you are flying and somehow in combat, if you press the macro, it won’t run. But if you are flying and not in combat, you can press the button to drop out of flight form, or if mounted you will dismount and automatically switch to flight form.

Enjoy and share any of your own macros that make druid the best class to play!

submitted by /u/Routine-Vanilla841
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