Baby not mine, girl won’t admit it. /u/Unique-Distribution6 Sex

Throwaway because she checks my history. I (21 M) have been going steady with my GF (23 F) for the past two years. We had sex at least a few times every week, though, I always made sure to wear condoms. I am very particular about this detail, I am not in a position to raise children, I’m too busy with school, and I can barely manage time with my job. She is the only woman I sleep with, and I never sleep without protection.

With all of this in mind she gets pregnant. The baby is three months old as of now, and it’s not mine. I know there’s a non-zero chance of condoms not working, it’s why I stuck with her until he was born. He’s a cute baby but he doesn’t have either of our skin tones or hair color. I’ve processed most of my emotions to figuring this out, it just feels so slow now. I was going to propose before I realized, I’m not some dead beat punk who’d leave her high and dry, I don’t know now.

I’ve pressed her about this, she’ll just shut off and stop talking to me for the day. It’s infuriating, not getting her answer. I’ve told her that I’m willing to take up the mantle as long as she admits it and doesn’t ever show him who the real father is but she won’t even budge at that.

What do I do? I’m thinking of just leaving, or maybe trying to get a DNA test. Is this selfish?

submitted by /u/Unique-Distribution6
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​r/sex Throwaway because she checks my history. I (21 M) have been going steady with my GF (23 F) for the past two years. We had sex at least a few times every week, though, I always made sure to wear condoms. I am very particular about this detail, I am not in a position to raise children, I’m too busy with school, and I can barely manage time with my job. She is the only woman I sleep with, and I never sleep without protection. With all of this in mind she gets pregnant. The baby is three months old as of now, and it’s not mine. I know there’s a non-zero chance of condoms not working, it’s why I stuck with her until he was born. He’s a cute baby but he doesn’t have either of our skin tones or hair color. I’ve processed most of my emotions to figuring this out, it just feels so slow now. I was going to propose before I realized, I’m not some dead beat punk who’d leave her high and dry, I don’t know now. I’ve pressed her about this, she’ll just shut off and stop talking to me for the day. It’s infuriating, not getting her answer. I’ve told her that I’m willing to take up the mantle as long as she admits it and doesn’t ever show him who the real father is but she won’t even budge at that. What do I do? I’m thinking of just leaving, or maybe trying to get a DNA test. Is this selfish? submitted by /u/Unique-Distribution6 [link] [comments] 

Throwaway because she checks my history. I (21 M) have been going steady with my GF (23 F) for the past two years. We had sex at least a few times every week, though, I always made sure to wear condoms. I am very particular about this detail, I am not in a position to raise children, I’m too busy with school, and I can barely manage time with my job. She is the only woman I sleep with, and I never sleep without protection.

With all of this in mind she gets pregnant. The baby is three months old as of now, and it’s not mine. I know there’s a non-zero chance of condoms not working, it’s why I stuck with her until he was born. He’s a cute baby but he doesn’t have either of our skin tones or hair color. I’ve processed most of my emotions to figuring this out, it just feels so slow now. I was going to propose before I realized, I’m not some dead beat punk who’d leave her high and dry, I don’t know now.

I’ve pressed her about this, she’ll just shut off and stop talking to me for the day. It’s infuriating, not getting her answer. I’ve told her that I’m willing to take up the mantle as long as she admits it and doesn’t ever show him who the real father is but she won’t even budge at that.

What do I do? I’m thinking of just leaving, or maybe trying to get a DNA test. Is this selfish?

submitted by /u/Unique-Distribution6
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