I’m a first time DM running Lost Mines of Phandelver. A few sessions in, I decided to have the orcs from the orc trouble side quest attack Phandalin while the party was coming back from investigating something outside of town. By the end of the fight, the Stonehill Inn was badly fire damaged since it was the main target. Since they’ve been staying there and the owner has been helpful and friendly, one of my players asked how much the repairs would cost so he could help cover it. This specific situation doesn’t come up in the DMG so I was wondering if anybody had ideas about price ranges that made sense?
submitted by /u/LilArturo
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r/DnD I’m a first time DM running Lost Mines of Phandelver. A few sessions in, I decided to have the orcs from the orc trouble side quest attack Phandalin while the party was coming back from investigating something outside of town. By the end of the fight, the Stonehill Inn was badly fire damaged since it was the main target. Since they’ve been staying there and the owner has been helpful and friendly, one of my players asked how much the repairs would cost so he could help cover it. This specific situation doesn’t come up in the DMG so I was wondering if anybody had ideas about price ranges that made sense? submitted by /u/LilArturo [link] [comments]
I’m a first time DM running Lost Mines of Phandelver. A few sessions in, I decided to have the orcs from the orc trouble side quest attack Phandalin while the party was coming back from investigating something outside of town. By the end of the fight, the Stonehill Inn was badly fire damaged since it was the main target. Since they’ve been staying there and the owner has been helpful and friendly, one of my players asked how much the repairs would cost so he could help cover it. This specific situation doesn’t come up in the DMG so I was wondering if anybody had ideas about price ranges that made sense?
submitted by /u/LilArturo
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