Hi, all. Any help appreciated. It’s my first time using poetry.
Poetry appears to be correctly installed using the official script. Init works, lock works, virtual environment works, poetry run python script.py
works, etc.
Inside or outside of the virtual environment, poetry shell
results in The command "shell" does not exist.
I have tried removing and reinstalling several times. The issue persists. Stepping through with a couple of different generative AI platforms eventually results in responses like, “This is quite puzzling since poetry appears to be be installed properly.”
submitted by /u/ronschaeffer
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r/learnpython Hi, all. Any help appreciated. It’s my first time using poetry. Poetry appears to be correctly installed using the official script. Init works, lock works, virtual environment works, poetry run python script.py works, etc. Inside or outside of the virtual environment, poetry shell results in The command “shell” does not exist. I have tried removing and reinstalling several times. The issue persists. Stepping through with a couple of different generative AI platforms eventually results in responses like, “This is quite puzzling since poetry appears to be be installed properly.” Thanks! submitted by /u/ronschaeffer [link] [comments]
Hi, all. Any help appreciated. It’s my first time using poetry.
Poetry appears to be correctly installed using the official script. Init works, lock works, virtual environment works, poetry run python script.py
works, etc.
Inside or outside of the virtual environment, poetry shell
results in The command "shell" does not exist.
I have tried removing and reinstalling several times. The issue persists. Stepping through with a couple of different generative AI platforms eventually results in responses like, “This is quite puzzling since poetry appears to be be installed properly.”
submitted by /u/ronschaeffer
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