In 2012, Mediacorp produced a drama set in 2025, it has 13 episodes and is currently available on MeWatch. This drama intends to show how the advancement of technology has consequences. Being a Mediacorp drama, the quality is, of course substandard, but the CGI was surprisingly…okay. Weirdly, it doesn’t appear in the Content Distribution website What stands out to me is the title card above, 2012 was the during era of “Frutiger Aero” aesthetic (the shiny, glossy glass feel from ’05 to ’15). Since aesthetic trends could not be predicted, they chose to exaggerate the aesthetic. The show basically has different experts which explain trends and future technologies at a segment at the end of every episode. It also got some predictions close (mostly since it existed in 2012, but in a smaller scale), such as digital locks, 3d printers, microchip implants (but not as commercially available), cryptocurrency, self-driving cars, video calling etc But it still gets some ideas wrong, ofc, since you cant predict the future 100%, such as transparent screens, contact lens cameras, exoskeleton suits and ofc the Frutiger Aero aesthetic being everywhere, and Singapore being well… One amusing piece of “future tech” was that they used goggles as a prop to represent VR in episode 2, which you can game and contact someone, just like Apple’s Vision Pro. While some stuff is flat out impossible, like “Augmented reality to mask faces on CCTVs”. All in all, its a fun show to watch if you like seeing crap mediacorp dramas, especially since 2025 is coming. The plot is basically cliche: Evil villainous presidential candidate tries to take over Singapore and the world with mind control chip. Attempts to kill protagonist family for getting in his way. submitted by /u/Unfair-Bike |
r/singapore In 2012, Mediacorp produced a drama set in 2025, it has 13 episodes and is currently available on MeWatch. This drama intends to show how the advancement of technology has consequences. Being a Mediacorp drama, the quality is, of course substandard, but the CGI was surprisingly…okay. Weirdly, it doesn’t appear in the Content Distribution website What stands out to me is the title card above, 2012 was the during era of “Frutiger Aero” aesthetic (the shiny, glossy glass feel from ’05 to ’15). Since aesthetic trends could not be predicted, they chose to exaggerate the aesthetic. The show basically has different experts which explain trends and future technologies at a segment at the end of every episode. It also got some predictions close (mostly since it existed in 2012, but in a smaller scale), such as digital locks, 3d printers, microchip implants (but not as commercially available), cryptocurrency, self-driving cars, video calling etc But it still gets some ideas wrong, ofc, since you cant predict the future 100%, such as transparent screens, contact lens cameras, exoskeleton suits and ofc the Frutiger Aero aesthetic being everywhere, and Singapore being well… One amusing piece of “future tech” was that they used goggles as a prop to represent VR in episode 2, which you can game and contact someone, just like Apple’s Vision Pro. While some stuff is flat out impossible, like “Augmented reality to mask faces on CCTVs”. All in all, its a fun show to watch if you like seeing crap mediacorp dramas, especially since 2025 is coming. The plot is basically cliche: Evil villainous presidential candidate tries to take over Singapore and the world with mind control chip. Attempts to kill protagonist family for getting in his way. submitted by /u/Unfair-Bike [link] [comments]
In 2012, Mediacorp produced a drama set in 2025, it has 13 episodes and is currently available on MeWatch. This drama intends to show how the advancement of technology has consequences. Being a Mediacorp drama, the quality is, of course substandard, but the CGI was surprisingly…okay. Weirdly, it doesn’t appear in the Content Distribution website What stands out to me is the title card above, 2012 was the during era of “Frutiger Aero” aesthetic (the shiny, glossy glass feel from ’05 to ’15). Since aesthetic trends could not be predicted, they chose to exaggerate the aesthetic. The show basically has different experts which explain trends and future technologies at a segment at the end of every episode. It also got some predictions close (mostly since it existed in 2012, but in a smaller scale), such as digital locks, 3d printers, microchip implants (but not as commercially available), cryptocurrency, self-driving cars, video calling etc But it still gets some ideas wrong, ofc, since you cant predict the future 100%, such as transparent screens, contact lens cameras, exoskeleton suits and ofc the Frutiger Aero aesthetic being everywhere, and Singapore being well… One amusing piece of “future tech” was that they used goggles as a prop to represent VR in episode 2, which you can game and contact someone, just like Apple’s Vision Pro. While some stuff is flat out impossible, like “Augmented reality to mask faces on CCTVs”. All in all, its a fun show to watch if you like seeing crap mediacorp dramas, especially since 2025 is coming. The plot is basically cliche: Evil villainous presidential candidate tries to take over Singapore and the world with mind control chip. Attempts to kill protagonist family for getting in his way. submitted by /u/Unfair-Bike |