My wife [F33] of 10 years stopped in the middle of sex to tell me [M33] she doesnt actually like sex. What am I supposed to feel? /u/Sweet-Marketing9752 Sex

She says she loves me and wants intimacy but has never enjoyed sex. I’m really struggling because I am trying not to distunguish the difference between her not wanting to have sex with me and her finding me unnatractive. Any help or advice would be great. I can provide more detail. Thanks

submitted by /u/Sweet-Marketing9752
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​r/sex She says she loves me and wants intimacy but has never enjoyed sex. I’m really struggling because I am trying not to distunguish the difference between her not wanting to have sex with me and her finding me unnatractive. Any help or advice would be great. I can provide more detail. Thanks submitted by /u/Sweet-Marketing9752 [link] [comments] 

She says she loves me and wants intimacy but has never enjoyed sex. I’m really struggling because I am trying not to distunguish the difference between her not wanting to have sex with me and her finding me unnatractive. Any help or advice would be great. I can provide more detail. Thanks

submitted by /u/Sweet-Marketing9752
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