Cool archive or boutique fashion stores in Las Vegas? /u/Weezergood /r/malefashionadvice

Parents are dragging me along to Vegas, and since I’ll be there, I’m looking for archive or boutique stores. Mostly looking for Rick Owens, or any other avant garde. Comme, Yohji, Undercover, Watanabe, etc. More niche store would be appreciated, like Professor E, Fax Copy Express, O Files, or whatever

submitted by /u/Weezergood
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​r/malefashionadvice Parents are dragging me along to Vegas, and since I’ll be there, I’m looking for archive or boutique stores. Mostly looking for Rick Owens, or any other avant garde. Comme, Yohji, Undercover, Watanabe, etc. More niche store would be appreciated, like Professor E, Fax Copy Express, O Files, or whatever submitted by /u/Weezergood [link] [comments] 

Parents are dragging me along to Vegas, and since I’ll be there, I’m looking for archive or boutique stores. Mostly looking for Rick Owens, or any other avant garde. Comme, Yohji, Undercover, Watanabe, etc. More niche store would be appreciated, like Professor E, Fax Copy Express, O Files, or whatever

submitted by /u/Weezergood
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