Fuck you, i hate you with every cell of my body /u/stupid_username4 Monster Hunter: World

Fuck you, i hate you with every cell of my body /u/stupid_username4 Monster Hunter: World
Fuck you, i hate you with every cell of my body

idk who creates this dragon, but i am sure its purpose is only to make wind resistente buff viable for this alone and jesus christ every time i wanted to hit with amped discharge this motherfucker’s wind just ruins fucking everything

submitted by /u/stupid_username4
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​r/MonsterHunterWorld idk who creates this dragon, but i am sure its purpose is only to make wind resistente buff viable for this alone and jesus christ every time i wanted to hit with amped discharge this motherfucker’s wind just ruins fucking everything submitted by /u/stupid_username4 [link] [comments] 

Fuck you, i hate you with every cell of my body

idk who creates this dragon, but i am sure its purpose is only to make wind resistente buff viable for this alone and jesus christ every time i wanted to hit with amped discharge this motherfucker’s wind just ruins fucking everything

submitted by /u/stupid_username4
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