Bf Came without any touch /u/Bellindaslock Sex

Hi y’all, First post here, I(20f), had this question I wanted to ask. So, me and my bf(20m) were talking the other day, and we got into discussing about sex and things got pretty heated, we both were feeling this sexual tension and he asked me what I liked in him. And I honestly answered that he is totally my type— shy, nerdy, introverted and kind and I how I find him so hot and how he’s much much better than my ex(he asked me if he was really better than him, he’s a bit insecure maybe) and he just came, without even touching it. Is this something that happens generally for men? why did this happen? really curious

submitted by /u/Bellindaslock
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​r/sex Hi y’all, First post here, I(20f), had this question I wanted to ask. So, me and my bf(20m) were talking the other day, and we got into discussing about sex and things got pretty heated, we both were feeling this sexual tension and he asked me what I liked in him. And I honestly answered that he is totally my type— shy, nerdy, introverted and kind and I how I find him so hot and how he’s much much better than my ex(he asked me if he was really better than him, he’s a bit insecure maybe) and he just came, without even touching it. Is this something that happens generally for men? why did this happen? really curious submitted by /u/Bellindaslock [link] [comments] 

Hi y’all, First post here, I(20f), had this question I wanted to ask. So, me and my bf(20m) were talking the other day, and we got into discussing about sex and things got pretty heated, we both were feeling this sexual tension and he asked me what I liked in him. And I honestly answered that he is totally my type— shy, nerdy, introverted and kind and I how I find him so hot and how he’s much much better than my ex(he asked me if he was really better than him, he’s a bit insecure maybe) and he just came, without even touching it. Is this something that happens generally for men? why did this happen? really curious

submitted by /u/Bellindaslock
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