In trailer 3 we can see arthur with 2 crosses in the back /u/zhalleyY_-2 Red Dead Redemption

In trailer 3 we can see arthur with 2 crosses in the back /u/zhalleyY_-2 Red Dead Redemption
In trailer 3 we can see arthur with 2 crosses in the back

I dont know if this is popular, but we can see wjat is probably arthur in mourning by his wife and son, what would probably happen in the beta. It should be possible to visit the graves as arthur in beta, but they cutted lot of things 🫠

submitted by /u/zhalleyY_-2
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​r/reddeadredemption I dont know if this is popular, but we can see wjat is probably arthur in mourning by his wife and son, what would probably happen in the beta. It should be possible to visit the graves as arthur in beta, but they cutted lot of things 🫠 submitted by /u/zhalleyY_-2 [link] [comments] 

In trailer 3 we can see arthur with 2 crosses in the back

I dont know if this is popular, but we can see wjat is probably arthur in mourning by his wife and son, what would probably happen in the beta. It should be possible to visit the graves as arthur in beta, but they cutted lot of things 🫠

submitted by /u/zhalleyY_-2
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