My bf is affectionate but doesn’t initiate sex /u/twinkledish Sex

I (24f) and my bf (26m) have been together for 6 months. Sex was a rough start for us and I almost feel like we waited too long to start having sex. We’ve only had sex about 3 times since we’ve been together. I feel like the only time we have sex is if I initiate fore play (neck kissing , groping, making out). Other than that my bf may kiss me or kiss me on my body but doesn’t initiate anything further. He doesn’t make me feel like he can’t wait to have me. ( even though he always has a boner around me and cums really fast when we do have sex). Our sex life is good to him. But to me it’s mediocre and lacks intensity and passion. It feels mechanical. I also feel like I have to arouse myself when we have sex and it often causes me to be less moist and makes the sex a bit painful for me. I feel myself losing interest in sex with him.

What should I do ?

submitted by /u/twinkledish
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​r/sex I (24f) and my bf (26m) have been together for 6 months. Sex was a rough start for us and I almost feel like we waited too long to start having sex. We’ve only had sex about 3 times since we’ve been together. I feel like the only time we have sex is if I initiate fore play (neck kissing , groping, making out). Other than that my bf may kiss me or kiss me on my body but doesn’t initiate anything further. He doesn’t make me feel like he can’t wait to have me. ( even though he always has a boner around me and cums really fast when we do have sex). Our sex life is good to him. But to me it’s mediocre and lacks intensity and passion. It feels mechanical. I also feel like I have to arouse myself when we have sex and it often causes me to be less moist and makes the sex a bit painful for me. I feel myself losing interest in sex with him. What should I do ? submitted by /u/twinkledish [link] [comments] 

I (24f) and my bf (26m) have been together for 6 months. Sex was a rough start for us and I almost feel like we waited too long to start having sex. We’ve only had sex about 3 times since we’ve been together. I feel like the only time we have sex is if I initiate fore play (neck kissing , groping, making out). Other than that my bf may kiss me or kiss me on my body but doesn’t initiate anything further. He doesn’t make me feel like he can’t wait to have me. ( even though he always has a boner around me and cums really fast when we do have sex). Our sex life is good to him. But to me it’s mediocre and lacks intensity and passion. It feels mechanical. I also feel like I have to arouse myself when we have sex and it often causes me to be less moist and makes the sex a bit painful for me. I feel myself losing interest in sex with him.

What should I do ?

submitted by /u/twinkledish
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