Huge problem keeping an erection before sex. /u/SnooMarzipans6522 Sex

Hello! So, I’m 26 years old, I’m in good health, go to the gym everyday, I have no known health issue and yet… I struggle keeping an erection when I am having sexual relation with my partner.

At the beginning, I thought that it could be related to anxiety or stress (when searching about ED) but no, none of that is the issue. I’ve never had ED before, I could easily keep an erection for hours, I’m only having issues with her about that.

It is not my first time I’m having sexual activities, I had no issue with my previous partner.

What I think the issue is, is I get way too excited before doing it, because my heart starts pumping like crazy (at least 120 bpm) and it’s the only moment I start losing my erection. As if I have some kind of adrenaline rush? I really don’t know how to help it. I thought about using beta blocker, but would it really works? Idk, please, I terribly need advice.

submitted by /u/SnooMarzipans6522
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​r/sex Hello! So, I’m 26 years old, I’m in good health, go to the gym everyday, I have no known health issue and yet… I struggle keeping an erection when I am having sexual relation with my partner. At the beginning, I thought that it could be related to anxiety or stress (when searching about ED) but no, none of that is the issue. I’ve never had ED before, I could easily keep an erection for hours, I’m only having issues with her about that. It is not my first time I’m having sexual activities, I had no issue with my previous partner. What I think the issue is, is I get way too excited before doing it, because my heart starts pumping like crazy (at least 120 bpm) and it’s the only moment I start losing my erection. As if I have some kind of adrenaline rush? I really don’t know how to help it. I thought about using beta blocker, but would it really works? Idk, please, I terribly need advice. submitted by /u/SnooMarzipans6522 [link] [comments] 

Hello! So, I’m 26 years old, I’m in good health, go to the gym everyday, I have no known health issue and yet… I struggle keeping an erection when I am having sexual relation with my partner.

At the beginning, I thought that it could be related to anxiety or stress (when searching about ED) but no, none of that is the issue. I’ve never had ED before, I could easily keep an erection for hours, I’m only having issues with her about that.

It is not my first time I’m having sexual activities, I had no issue with my previous partner.

What I think the issue is, is I get way too excited before doing it, because my heart starts pumping like crazy (at least 120 bpm) and it’s the only moment I start losing my erection. As if I have some kind of adrenaline rush? I really don’t know how to help it. I thought about using beta blocker, but would it really works? Idk, please, I terribly need advice.

submitted by /u/SnooMarzipans6522
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