No oral, no PIV. How do I tell him I need more? /u/watersunthr0waway Sex

27F, dating 32M. Generally everything is good – we see each other a few times a month and always super horny for each other. I know he finds me attractive, but the reciprocation is lacking and recently I find myself not being sexually satisfied.

He has gone down on me 3 times (we’ve been dating for over 4 years) and we occasionally do PIV. I met him as a virgin so all of my sexual experience has been learned through him and I didn’t really think about it. The excitement and the newness lingered for awhile but now I need more.

When he’s down there, he mostly moves his mouth around for a few minutes and doesn’t use any tongue. Or he’ll do the same thing while my underwear is still on. I tried to give him as much praise and direction but I don’t think it really motivated him.

When PIV happens, he’s inside for a few minutes then goes soft. I express how much I like it, I try to be encouraging but not patronizing. I can’t figure out the disconnect. He has no problem staying hard while humping me or when I give oral.

Our sex mostly consists of fingering, fondling, humping. Him playing with/licking my boobs, talking to me, jerking himself and watching while I get myself off – which feels amazing but it’s growing predictable. I brought it up recently and he did go down on me but it was another closed mouth, mush lips around for a few mins kind of thing. I make sure I’m shaved and clean.

I just don’t know what else to do to make myself more appealing. I’m willing to accept a possibility that maybe he’s just not into it, but I can’t go the rest of my life not receiving. Even if it’s one over the other (oral/PIV), I just want something more.

I know all of this can be solved by talking it out… but how do I go about it? It never feels like the right time. I don’t really have people I can talk to for this kind of advice. Willing to do whatever I can to help the situation.

submitted by /u/watersunthr0waway
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​r/sex 27F, dating 32M. Generally everything is good – we see each other a few times a month and always super horny for each other. I know he finds me attractive, but the reciprocation is lacking and recently I find myself not being sexually satisfied. He has gone down on me 3 times (we’ve been dating for over 4 years) and we occasionally do PIV. I met him as a virgin so all of my sexual experience has been learned through him and I didn’t really think about it. The excitement and the newness lingered for awhile but now I need more. When he’s down there, he mostly moves his mouth around for a few minutes and doesn’t use any tongue. Or he’ll do the same thing while my underwear is still on. I tried to give him as much praise and direction but I don’t think it really motivated him. When PIV happens, he’s inside for a few minutes then goes soft. I express how much I like it, I try to be encouraging but not patronizing. I can’t figure out the disconnect. He has no problem staying hard while humping me or when I give oral. Our sex mostly consists of fingering, fondling, humping. Him playing with/licking my boobs, talking to me, jerking himself and watching while I get myself off – which feels amazing but it’s growing predictable. I brought it up recently and he did go down on me but it was another closed mouth, mush lips around for a few mins kind of thing. I make sure I’m shaved and clean. I just don’t know what else to do to make myself more appealing. I’m willing to accept a possibility that maybe he’s just not into it, but I can’t go the rest of my life not receiving. Even if it’s one over the other (oral/PIV), I just want something more. I know all of this can be solved by talking it out… but how do I go about it? It never feels like the right time. I don’t really have people I can talk to for this kind of advice. Willing to do whatever I can to help the situation. submitted by /u/watersunthr0waway [link] [comments] 

27F, dating 32M. Generally everything is good – we see each other a few times a month and always super horny for each other. I know he finds me attractive, but the reciprocation is lacking and recently I find myself not being sexually satisfied.

He has gone down on me 3 times (we’ve been dating for over 4 years) and we occasionally do PIV. I met him as a virgin so all of my sexual experience has been learned through him and I didn’t really think about it. The excitement and the newness lingered for awhile but now I need more.

When he’s down there, he mostly moves his mouth around for a few minutes and doesn’t use any tongue. Or he’ll do the same thing while my underwear is still on. I tried to give him as much praise and direction but I don’t think it really motivated him.

When PIV happens, he’s inside for a few minutes then goes soft. I express how much I like it, I try to be encouraging but not patronizing. I can’t figure out the disconnect. He has no problem staying hard while humping me or when I give oral.

Our sex mostly consists of fingering, fondling, humping. Him playing with/licking my boobs, talking to me, jerking himself and watching while I get myself off – which feels amazing but it’s growing predictable. I brought it up recently and he did go down on me but it was another closed mouth, mush lips around for a few mins kind of thing. I make sure I’m shaved and clean.

I just don’t know what else to do to make myself more appealing. I’m willing to accept a possibility that maybe he’s just not into it, but I can’t go the rest of my life not receiving. Even if it’s one over the other (oral/PIV), I just want something more.

I know all of this can be solved by talking it out… but how do I go about it? It never feels like the right time. I don’t really have people I can talk to for this kind of advice. Willing to do whatever I can to help the situation.

submitted by /u/watersunthr0waway
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