high sex drive, rejected often /u/qualitree Sex

My SO (28M) and I (24F) have almost been married 2 years in March. I have a very high sex drive, and my SO is the opposite. He likes sex, just not as frequent. We’ve worked through the difference and found things that work for us but recently when I get in my lingerie or just straight naked and ask him for sex, he’ll say he’s not in the mood. Which I understand and I don’t pressure at all. Then after we go to bed, I’ll wake up to him initiating sex. He’ll finish and go to bed and I’m wide awake wondering what just happened. We’ll talk about it, but we haven’t come to a conclusion or resolution. Asking for advice or understanding?

submitted by /u/qualitree
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​r/sex My SO (28M) and I (24F) have almost been married 2 years in March. I have a very high sex drive, and my SO is the opposite. He likes sex, just not as frequent. We’ve worked through the difference and found things that work for us but recently when I get in my lingerie or just straight naked and ask him for sex, he’ll say he’s not in the mood. Which I understand and I don’t pressure at all. Then after we go to bed, I’ll wake up to him initiating sex. He’ll finish and go to bed and I’m wide awake wondering what just happened. We’ll talk about it, but we haven’t come to a conclusion or resolution. Asking for advice or understanding? submitted by /u/qualitree [link] [comments] 

My SO (28M) and I (24F) have almost been married 2 years in March. I have a very high sex drive, and my SO is the opposite. He likes sex, just not as frequent. We’ve worked through the difference and found things that work for us but recently when I get in my lingerie or just straight naked and ask him for sex, he’ll say he’s not in the mood. Which I understand and I don’t pressure at all. Then after we go to bed, I’ll wake up to him initiating sex. He’ll finish and go to bed and I’m wide awake wondering what just happened. We’ll talk about it, but we haven’t come to a conclusion or resolution. Asking for advice or understanding?

submitted by /u/qualitree
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