I need help trying to package my python code into an exe file please /u/I_-_-_l Python Education

Hi, I have created myself my own password manager on usb and would like to turn it into an exe file. I have no experience with exe files whatsoever so I got help from a chatbot. When I tried pyinstaller, it made a 3 gigabyte exe with half an hour launchtime and when it did, it was not working. All my code is in a single file. I am using task scheduler and with python it is able to launch right after I plug my usb and I would like to keep that speed with the exe file too so I stripped all the imports to the functions and classes I use. They are below, thanks in advance:

from os import path, getcwd, listdir from threading import current_thread, main_thread, Thread from random import random from time import time from tkinter import Button, Frame, Entry, Label, Toplevel, Tk, DISABLED, NORMAL, END, Text, StringVar, messagebox, filedialog, simpledialog from Crypto.Cipher import AES from pyperclip import copy from hashlib import sha256, new from io import BytesIO from tabulate import tabulate from re import search from pandas import DataFrame, read_excel 

submitted by /u/I_-_-_l
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​r/learnpython Hi, I have created myself my own password manager on usb and would like to turn it into an exe file. I have no experience with exe files whatsoever so I got help from a chatbot. When I tried pyinstaller, it made a 3 gigabyte exe with half an hour launchtime and when it did, it was not working. All my code is in a single file. I am using task scheduler and with python it is able to launch right after I plug my usb and I would like to keep that speed with the exe file too so I stripped all the imports to the functions and classes I use. They are below, thanks in advance: from os import path, getcwd, listdir from threading import current_thread, main_thread, Thread from random import random from time import time from tkinter import Button, Frame, Entry, Label, Toplevel, Tk, DISABLED, NORMAL, END, Text, StringVar, messagebox, filedialog, simpledialog from Crypto.Cipher import AES from pyperclip import copy from hashlib import sha256, new from io import BytesIO from tabulate import tabulate from re import search from pandas import DataFrame, read_excel submitted by /u/I_-_-_l [link] [comments] 

Hi, I have created myself my own password manager on usb and would like to turn it into an exe file. I have no experience with exe files whatsoever so I got help from a chatbot. When I tried pyinstaller, it made a 3 gigabyte exe with half an hour launchtime and when it did, it was not working. All my code is in a single file. I am using task scheduler and with python it is able to launch right after I plug my usb and I would like to keep that speed with the exe file too so I stripped all the imports to the functions and classes I use. They are below, thanks in advance:

from os import path, getcwd, listdir from threading import current_thread, main_thread, Thread from random import random from time import time from tkinter import Button, Frame, Entry, Label, Toplevel, Tk, DISABLED, NORMAL, END, Text, StringVar, messagebox, filedialog, simpledialog from Crypto.Cipher import AES from pyperclip import copy from hashlib import sha256, new from io import BytesIO from tabulate import tabulate from re import search from pandas import DataFrame, read_excel 

submitted by /u/I_-_-_l
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