I’ve had a job as a dev for almost a year now. I went full time right after I graduated a month ago. Yesterday I goofed by breaking a test build with my changes. I was confused because I could build the changes without issue locally.
It turns out this whole time I have not been running the test cases and have just been getting lucky that my previous code changes didn’t break anything. I had assumed test cases were ran automatically when building the project.
Is it wraps for me?
submitted by /u/MasterOfTheRavioli
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r/cscareerquestions I’ve had a job as a dev for almost a year now. I went full time right after I graduated a month ago. Yesterday I goofed by breaking a test build with my changes. I was confused because I could build the changes without issue locally. It turns out this whole time I have not been running the test cases and have just been getting lucky that my previous code changes didn’t break anything. I had assumed test cases were ran automatically when building the project. Is it wraps for me? submitted by /u/MasterOfTheRavioli [link] [comments]
I’ve had a job as a dev for almost a year now. I went full time right after I graduated a month ago. Yesterday I goofed by breaking a test build with my changes. I was confused because I could build the changes without issue locally.
It turns out this whole time I have not been running the test cases and have just been getting lucky that my previous code changes didn’t break anything. I had assumed test cases were ran automatically when building the project.
Is it wraps for me?
submitted by /u/MasterOfTheRavioli
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