Is it unreasonable to ask my player not to give their NPCs too much lore? /u/buglikeafox DnD: Roll for Initiative!

Hello, I’ve only been dming less than a year so if I seem a little ignorant. I have a group of four players, we’ve been playing together for almost 7 months and I adore them and our game. One of my players in particular had given their character three parents (they’re polyamorous) and gave them a relative amount of lore. They sent me a paragraph detailing where each parent originated, what they did for a living, why they stopped working, why they settled down, etc.

They would leave things open like “NPC got injured here, i’ll leave it up to you to decide what exactly happened.” (I never gave it much thought because they don’t necessarily tie into the overarching plot) (I did incorporate their family in as much as I could they just live far away from where the story takes place). Anyways, now we’re planning our second campaign and they’re doing the same thing with the npcs related to their characters and I told them to try and keep the lore a little vague because it’s harder for me to weave in the lore, but I feel a little uncertain because I don’t want to stifle their creativity. As this is my first time dming, I haven’t faced this issue before so I wonder if this request is reasonable or not?

submitted by /u/buglikeafox
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​r/DnD Hello, I’ve only been dming less than a year so if I seem a little ignorant. I have a group of four players, we’ve been playing together for almost 7 months and I adore them and our game. One of my players in particular had given their character three parents (they’re polyamorous) and gave them a relative amount of lore. They sent me a paragraph detailing where each parent originated, what they did for a living, why they stopped working, why they settled down, etc. They would leave things open like “NPC got injured here, i’ll leave it up to you to decide what exactly happened.” (I never gave it much thought because they don’t necessarily tie into the overarching plot) (I did incorporate their family in as much as I could they just live far away from where the story takes place). Anyways, now we’re planning our second campaign and they’re doing the same thing with the npcs related to their characters and I told them to try and keep the lore a little vague because it’s harder for me to weave in the lore, but I feel a little uncertain because I don’t want to stifle their creativity. As this is my first time dming, I haven’t faced this issue before so I wonder if this request is reasonable or not? submitted by /u/buglikeafox [link] [comments] 

Hello, I’ve only been dming less than a year so if I seem a little ignorant. I have a group of four players, we’ve been playing together for almost 7 months and I adore them and our game. One of my players in particular had given their character three parents (they’re polyamorous) and gave them a relative amount of lore. They sent me a paragraph detailing where each parent originated, what they did for a living, why they stopped working, why they settled down, etc.

They would leave things open like “NPC got injured here, i’ll leave it up to you to decide what exactly happened.” (I never gave it much thought because they don’t necessarily tie into the overarching plot) (I did incorporate their family in as much as I could they just live far away from where the story takes place). Anyways, now we’re planning our second campaign and they’re doing the same thing with the npcs related to their characters and I told them to try and keep the lore a little vague because it’s harder for me to weave in the lore, but I feel a little uncertain because I don’t want to stifle their creativity. As this is my first time dming, I haven’t faced this issue before so I wonder if this request is reasonable or not?

submitted by /u/buglikeafox
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