Hello everybody, I’m a Phd in the economic sciences , i want to learn the data analyst , any advise or tips to leaern quickly, and use the skills in the reaerche study , i would want a plan of studying ond the resources from books , or anything benidical. thank you so much
submitted by /u/karimalioui
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r/learnpython Hello everybody, I’m a Phd in the economic sciences , i want to learn the data analyst , any advise or tips to leaern quickly, and use the skills in the reaerche study , i would want a plan of studying ond the resources from books , or anything benidical. thank you so much submitted by /u/karimalioui [link] [comments]
Hello everybody, I’m a Phd in the economic sciences , i want to learn the data analyst , any advise or tips to leaern quickly, and use the skills in the reaerche study , i would want a plan of studying ond the resources from books , or anything benidical. thank you so much
submitted by /u/karimalioui
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