So, I am DMing a campaign with several friends. We started with Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (almost done), and will be moving into more of a Homebrew setting soon with the same characters. During a session several months ago, one of my players (Dragonborn Sorlock) used the Darkness spell and snacked on some potatoes while investigating this manor to find the culprit behind the Fireball incident. He found a couple of thugs and proceeded to chuck potatoes at them, claiming to be the “Potato Fairy”. One thing led to another, and now it is canon lore that most criminals are terrified of the Potato Fairy, a magical being that utilizes potatoes to dole out justice, and that said entity is wholly separate from the Sorlock. In our last two sessions, the Sorlock found a ring that has the sigil of the Potato Fairy, granting him the ability to cast Cloud of Potatoes, a 1-for-1 alternative to Cloud of Daggers, save for dealing Bludgeoning damage instead of Slashing damage. With his first casting, he managed to kill 7 Nobles that were part of an evil cult in an instant. I don’t know where this will end, but I had to share this Starchy episode of chaos, lol.
submitted by /u/JankMagicMaster
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r/DnD So, I am DMing a campaign with several friends. We started with Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (almost done), and will be moving into more of a Homebrew setting soon with the same characters. During a session several months ago, one of my players (Dragonborn Sorlock) used the Darkness spell and snacked on some potatoes while investigating this manor to find the culprit behind the Fireball incident. He found a couple of thugs and proceeded to chuck potatoes at them, claiming to be the “Potato Fairy”. One thing led to another, and now it is canon lore that most criminals are terrified of the Potato Fairy, a magical being that utilizes potatoes to dole out justice, and that said entity is wholly separate from the Sorlock. In our last two sessions, the Sorlock found a ring that has the sigil of the Potato Fairy, granting him the ability to cast Cloud of Potatoes, a 1-for-1 alternative to Cloud of Daggers, save for dealing Bludgeoning damage instead of Slashing damage. With his first casting, he managed to kill 7 Nobles that were part of an evil cult in an instant. I don’t know where this will end, but I had to share this Starchy episode of chaos, lol. submitted by /u/JankMagicMaster [link] [comments]
So, I am DMing a campaign with several friends. We started with Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (almost done), and will be moving into more of a Homebrew setting soon with the same characters. During a session several months ago, one of my players (Dragonborn Sorlock) used the Darkness spell and snacked on some potatoes while investigating this manor to find the culprit behind the Fireball incident. He found a couple of thugs and proceeded to chuck potatoes at them, claiming to be the “Potato Fairy”. One thing led to another, and now it is canon lore that most criminals are terrified of the Potato Fairy, a magical being that utilizes potatoes to dole out justice, and that said entity is wholly separate from the Sorlock. In our last two sessions, the Sorlock found a ring that has the sigil of the Potato Fairy, granting him the ability to cast Cloud of Potatoes, a 1-for-1 alternative to Cloud of Daggers, save for dealing Bludgeoning damage instead of Slashing damage. With his first casting, he managed to kill 7 Nobles that were part of an evil cult in an instant. I don’t know where this will end, but I had to share this Starchy episode of chaos, lol.
submitted by /u/JankMagicMaster
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