Got my first Deoxys in a remote raid today and it’s a hundo. But why do they give legendaries such low cp, even with weather boost 🤔 only 1299, and ill take it and be happy but still curious why lol submitted by /u/Miskwankitok |
r/pokemongo Got my first Deoxys in a remote raid today and it’s a hundo. But why do they give legendaries such low cp, even with weather boost 🤔 only 1299, and ill take it and be happy but still curious why lol submitted by /u/Miskwankitok [link] [comments]
Got my first Deoxys in a remote raid today and it’s a hundo. But why do they give legendaries such low cp, even with weather boost 🤔 only 1299, and ill take it and be happy but still curious why lol submitted by /u/Miskwankitok |