Trying to convert code from Python to Swift or keep Python and add small logic from Swift , to point is fetch market data over FIXAPI protocol ( 5201 ) from broker into trained model , which works fine in Swift but only for manual input for now .
Here is Python code which I glued together with help of AI , it connect and receive message and identify Bid/Ask in terminal but don’t pass it into GNU and MLmodel doesn’t seem to execute prediction either .
import json
import threading
import coremltools as ct
import numpy as np
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import defer
from ctrader_fix import *
import multiprocessing
# Global variables to store prices
bid_price = None
ask_price = None
lock = threading.Lock() # Lock for thread safety
# Load the CoreML model
def load_model():
model = ct.models.MLModel(‘DailyEURUSDClose.mlmodel’) # Load your Core ML model
print(“Model loaded successfully.”)
return model
except Exception as e:
print(f”Error loading model: {e}”)
return None
# Predict the closing price using Bid as ‘Open’ feature
def predict_price(bid, model):
if model is None:
print(“Model is not loaded. Cannot predict price.”)
return None
input_dict = {‘Open’: float(bid)} # Use Bid price as ‘Open’ for prediction
output = model.predict(input_dict)
predicted_close = output[‘Close’] # Assuming ‘Close’ is the name of the output in your model
return predicted_close
except KeyError as e:
print(f”Error: Model output does not contain the expected key ‘Close’. Available keys: {output.keys()}”)
return None
except Exception as e:
print(f”Error during prediction: {e}”)
return None
# Tkinter GUI setup
def create_gui():
global bid_price, ask_price, model
root = tk.Tk()
root.title(“Market Data & Prediction”)
# Label for showing bid and ask prices
label = tk.Label(root, text=”Market Data”, font=(“Helvetica”, 16))
# Bid and Ask Price Labels
bid_label = tk.Label(root, text=”Bid: N/A”, font=(“Helvetica”, 12))
ask_label = tk.Label(root, text=”Ask: N/A”, font=(“Helvetica”, 12))
# Predicted Close Price Label
predicted_label = tk.Label(root, text=”Predicted Close: N/A”, font=(“Helvetica”, 12))
# Function to update the GUI with bid, ask prices, and prediction
def update_gui():
global bid_price, ask_price
print(“Updating GUI…”) # Debugging line to check if this function is called
with lock: # Ensure thread-safe access to global variables
if bid_price is not None:
bid_label.config(text=f”Bid: {bid_price:.5f}”)
bid_label.config(text=”Bid: N/A”)
if ask_price is not None:
ask_label.config(text=f”Ask: {ask_price:.5f}”)
ask_label.config(text=”Ask: N/A”)
# If we have the Bid price, make a prediction
if bid_price is not None:
predicted_close = predict_price(bid_price, model)
if predicted_close is not None:
predicted_label.config(text=f”Predicted Close: {predicted_close:.4f}”)
predicted_label.config(text=”Predicted Close: Error”)
predicted_label.config(text=”Predicted Close: N/A”)
except Exception as e:
print(f”Error during GUI update: {e}”)
root.after(1000, update_gui) # Update every second
# Start the Tkinter GUI loop
# Callback for when a message is received
def onMessageReceived(client, responseMessage):
global bid_price, ask_price
# Log the full response message for analysis
raw_message = responseMessage.getMessage().replace(“”, “|”)
print(f”Received full message: {raw_message}”)
messageType = responseMessage.getFieldValue(35)
if messageType == “A”:
print(“Logon successful!”)
elif messageType == “W”:
symbol = responseMessage.getFieldValue(55) # Symbol (e.g., EUR/USD)
print(f”Market data response for symbol: {symbol}”)
# Extracting bid and ask prices from tag 270 based on price comparison
bid_price_local = None
ask_price_local = None
# Check the number of entries (should be 2)
num_entries = int(responseMessage.getFieldValue(268)) # Number of market data entries
print(f”Number of market data entries: {num_entries}”)
prices = []
# Loop over all instances of tag 270 and collect prices
for i in range(num_entries):
price = responseMessage.getFieldValue(270)[i] # Get the i-th value for tag 270
prices.append(float(price)) # Convert to float
# Ensure we have exactly two prices (bid and ask)
if len(prices) == 2:
bid_price_local = min(prices)
ask_price_local = max(prices)
print(“Unexpected number of price entries.”)
# Set global prices for the GUI in a thread-safe manner
with lock:
bid_price = bid_price_local
ask_price = ask_price_local
# Output the results (logging for now)
print(f”Market Data for {symbol}:”)
print(f” Bid: {bid_price}”)
print(f” Ask: {ask_price}”)
elif messageType == “Y”:
print(f”Error Message Received: {raw_message}”)
# Callback for client disconnection
def disconnected(client, reason):
print(f”Disconnected, reason: {reason}”)
# Callback for client connection
def connected(client):
print(“Connected to FIX server!”)
logonRequest = LogonRequest(config) # Create a logon request using the config
print(“Logon request sent.”)
# Function to request market data for EUR/USD
def requestMarketData(client):
# Create a market data request
marketDataRequest = MarketDataRequest(config)
# Set the required fields for the market data request
marketDataRequest.MDReqID = “EURUSD_MarketData” # Unique request ID
marketDataRequest.SubscriptionRequestType = “1” # 1 = Snapshot + Updates
marketDataRequest.MarketDepth = “1” # Depth of market
marketDataRequest.NoMDEntryTypes = “1” # Number of MD entry types
marketDataRequest.MDEntryType = “0” # 0 = Bid, 1 = Offer
marketDataRequest.NoRelatedSym = “1” # Number of related symbols
marketDataRequest.Symbol = “1” # Symbol ID (numeric value for EUR/USD)
print(“Market data request sent for EUR/USD”)
# Load configuration
with open(“config.json”) as configFile:
config = json.load(configFile)
print(“Config loaded:”, config)
# Create the FIX client with the provided configuration
client = Client(config[“Host”], config[“Port”], ssl=config[“SSL”])
# Load the ML model
model = load_model()
# Set the client callbacks
# Starting the client service in a separate process
def start_client_service():
print(“Starting client service…”)
# Run the Twisted reactor in a separate process
if __name__ == “__main__”:
client_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_client_service)
client_process.daemon = True
# Run the Tkinter GUI in the main thread
submitted by /u/xUaScalp
[link] [comments]
r/learnpython Trying to convert code from Python to Swift or keep Python and add small logic from Swift , to point is fetch market data over FIXAPI protocol ( 5201 ) from broker into trained model , which works fine in Swift but only for manual input for now . Here is Python code which I glued together with help of AI , it connect and receive message and identify Bid/Ask in terminal but don’t pass it into GNU and MLmodel doesn’t seem to execute prediction either . import json import threading import coremltools as ct import numpy as np import tkinter as tk from tkinter import messagebox from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet import defer from ctrader_fix import * import multiprocessing # Global variables to store prices bid_price = None ask_price = None lock = threading.Lock() # Lock for thread safety # Load the CoreML model def load_model(): try: model = ct.models.MLModel(‘DailyEURUSDClose.mlmodel’) # Load your Core ML model print(“Model loaded successfully.”) return model except Exception as e: print(f”Error loading model: {e}”) return None # Predict the closing price using Bid as ‘Open’ feature def predict_price(bid, model): if model is None: print(“Model is not loaded. Cannot predict price.”) return None input_dict = {‘Open’: float(bid)} # Use Bid price as ‘Open’ for prediction try: output = model.predict(input_dict) predicted_close = output[‘Close’] # Assuming ‘Close’ is the name of the output in your model return predicted_close except KeyError as e: print(f”Error: Model output does not contain the expected key ‘Close’. Available keys: {output.keys()}”) return None except Exception as e: print(f”Error during prediction: {e}”) return None # Tkinter GUI setup def create_gui(): global bid_price, ask_price, model root = tk.Tk() root.title(“Market Data & Prediction”) # Label for showing bid and ask prices label = tk.Label(root, text=”Market Data”, font=(“Helvetica”, 16)) label.pack(pady=10) # Bid and Ask Price Labels bid_label = tk.Label(root, text=”Bid: N/A”, font=(“Helvetica”, 12)) bid_label.pack(pady=5) ask_label = tk.Label(root, text=”Ask: N/A”, font=(“Helvetica”, 12)) ask_label.pack(pady=5) # Predicted Close Price Label predicted_label = tk.Label(root, text=”Predicted Close: N/A”, font=(“Helvetica”, 12)) predicted_label.pack(pady=10) # Function to update the GUI with bid, ask prices, and prediction def update_gui(): global bid_price, ask_price print(“Updating GUI…”) # Debugging line to check if this function is called with lock: # Ensure thread-safe access to global variables try: if bid_price is not None: bid_label.config(text=f”Bid: {bid_price:.5f}”) else: bid_label.config(text=”Bid: N/A”) if ask_price is not None: ask_label.config(text=f”Ask: {ask_price:.5f}”) else: ask_label.config(text=”Ask: N/A”) # If we have the Bid price, make a prediction if bid_price is not None: predicted_close = predict_price(bid_price, model) if predicted_close is not None: predicted_label.config(text=f”Predicted Close: {predicted_close:.4f}”) else: predicted_label.config(text=”Predicted Close: Error”) else: predicted_label.config(text=”Predicted Close: N/A”) except Exception as e: print(f”Error during GUI update: {e}”) root.after(1000, update_gui) # Update every second # Start the Tkinter GUI loop update_gui() root.mainloop() # Callback for when a message is received def onMessageReceived(client, responseMessage): global bid_price, ask_price # Log the full response message for analysis raw_message = responseMessage.getMessage().replace(“”, “|”) print(f”Received full message: {raw_message}”) messageType = responseMessage.getFieldValue(35) if messageType == “A”: print(“Logon successful!”) requestMarketData(client) elif messageType == “W”: symbol = responseMessage.getFieldValue(55) # Symbol (e.g., EUR/USD) print(f”Market data response for symbol: {symbol}”) # Extracting bid and ask prices from tag 270 based on price comparison bid_price_local = None ask_price_local = None # Check the number of entries (should be 2) num_entries = int(responseMessage.getFieldValue(268)) # Number of market data entries print(f”Number of market data entries: {num_entries}”) prices = [] # Loop over all instances of tag 270 and collect prices for i in range(num_entries): price = responseMessage.getFieldValue(270)[i] # Get the i-th value for tag 270 prices.append(float(price)) # Convert to float # Ensure we have exactly two prices (bid and ask) if len(prices) == 2: bid_price_local = min(prices) ask_price_local = max(prices) else: print(“Unexpected number of price entries.”) # Set global prices for the GUI in a thread-safe manner with lock: bid_price = bid_price_local ask_price = ask_price_local # Output the results (logging for now) print(f”Market Data for {symbol}:”) print(f” Bid: {bid_price}”) print(f” Ask: {ask_price}”) elif messageType == “Y”: print(f”Error Message Received: {raw_message}”) # Callback for client disconnection def disconnected(client, reason): print(f”Disconnected, reason: {reason}”) # Callback for client connection def connected(client): print(“Connected to FIX server!”) logonRequest = LogonRequest(config) # Create a logon request using the config client.send(logonRequest) print(“Logon request sent.”) # Function to request market data for EUR/USD def requestMarketData(client): # Create a market data request marketDataRequest = MarketDataRequest(config) # Set the required fields for the market data request marketDataRequest.MDReqID = “EURUSD_MarketData” # Unique request ID marketDataRequest.SubscriptionRequestType = “1” # 1 = Snapshot + Updates marketDataRequest.MarketDepth = “1” # Depth of market marketDataRequest.NoMDEntryTypes = “1” # Number of MD entry types marketDataRequest.MDEntryType = “0” # 0 = Bid, 1 = Offer marketDataRequest.NoRelatedSym = “1” # Number of related symbols marketDataRequest.Symbol = “1” # Symbol ID (numeric value for EUR/USD) client.send(marketDataRequest) print(“Market data request sent for EUR/USD”) # Load configuration with open(“config.json”) as configFile: config = json.load(configFile) print(“Config loaded:”, config) # Create the FIX client with the provided configuration client = Client(config[“Host”], config[“Port”], ssl=config[“SSL”]) # Load the ML model model = load_model() # Set the client callbacks client.setConnectedCallback(connected) client.setDisconnectedCallback(disconnected) client.setMessageReceivedCallback(onMessageReceived) # Starting the client service in a separate process def start_client_service(): print(“Starting client service…”) client.startService() # Run the Twisted reactor in a separate process if __name__ == “__main__”: client_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_client_service) client_process.daemon = True client_process.start() # Run the Tkinter GUI in the main thread create_gui() submitted by /u/xUaScalp [link] [comments]
Trying to convert code from Python to Swift or keep Python and add small logic from Swift , to point is fetch market data over FIXAPI protocol ( 5201 ) from broker into trained model , which works fine in Swift but only for manual input for now .
Here is Python code which I glued together with help of AI , it connect and receive message and identify Bid/Ask in terminal but don’t pass it into GNU and MLmodel doesn’t seem to execute prediction either .
import json
import threading
import coremltools as ct
import numpy as np
import tkinter as tk
from tkinter import messagebox
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import defer
from ctrader_fix import *
import multiprocessing
# Global variables to store prices
bid_price = None
ask_price = None
lock = threading.Lock() # Lock for thread safety
# Load the CoreML model
def load_model():
model = ct.models.MLModel(‘DailyEURUSDClose.mlmodel’) # Load your Core ML model
print(“Model loaded successfully.”)
return model
except Exception as e:
print(f”Error loading model: {e}”)
return None
# Predict the closing price using Bid as ‘Open’ feature
def predict_price(bid, model):
if model is None:
print(“Model is not loaded. Cannot predict price.”)
return None
input_dict = {‘Open’: float(bid)} # Use Bid price as ‘Open’ for prediction
output = model.predict(input_dict)
predicted_close = output[‘Close’] # Assuming ‘Close’ is the name of the output in your model
return predicted_close
except KeyError as e:
print(f”Error: Model output does not contain the expected key ‘Close’. Available keys: {output.keys()}”)
return None
except Exception as e:
print(f”Error during prediction: {e}”)
return None
# Tkinter GUI setup
def create_gui():
global bid_price, ask_price, model
root = tk.Tk()
root.title(“Market Data & Prediction”)
# Label for showing bid and ask prices
label = tk.Label(root, text=”Market Data”, font=(“Helvetica”, 16))
# Bid and Ask Price Labels
bid_label = tk.Label(root, text=”Bid: N/A”, font=(“Helvetica”, 12))
ask_label = tk.Label(root, text=”Ask: N/A”, font=(“Helvetica”, 12))
# Predicted Close Price Label
predicted_label = tk.Label(root, text=”Predicted Close: N/A”, font=(“Helvetica”, 12))
# Function to update the GUI with bid, ask prices, and prediction
def update_gui():
global bid_price, ask_price
print(“Updating GUI…”) # Debugging line to check if this function is called
with lock: # Ensure thread-safe access to global variables
if bid_price is not None:
bid_label.config(text=f”Bid: {bid_price:.5f}”)
bid_label.config(text=”Bid: N/A”)
if ask_price is not None:
ask_label.config(text=f”Ask: {ask_price:.5f}”)
ask_label.config(text=”Ask: N/A”)
# If we have the Bid price, make a prediction
if bid_price is not None:
predicted_close = predict_price(bid_price, model)
if predicted_close is not None:
predicted_label.config(text=f”Predicted Close: {predicted_close:.4f}”)
predicted_label.config(text=”Predicted Close: Error”)
predicted_label.config(text=”Predicted Close: N/A”)
except Exception as e:
print(f”Error during GUI update: {e}”)
root.after(1000, update_gui) # Update every second
# Start the Tkinter GUI loop
# Callback for when a message is received
def onMessageReceived(client, responseMessage):
global bid_price, ask_price
# Log the full response message for analysis
raw_message = responseMessage.getMessage().replace(“”, “|”)
print(f”Received full message: {raw_message}”)
messageType = responseMessage.getFieldValue(35)
if messageType == “A”:
print(“Logon successful!”)
elif messageType == “W”:
symbol = responseMessage.getFieldValue(55) # Symbol (e.g., EUR/USD)
print(f”Market data response for symbol: {symbol}”)
# Extracting bid and ask prices from tag 270 based on price comparison
bid_price_local = None
ask_price_local = None
# Check the number of entries (should be 2)
num_entries = int(responseMessage.getFieldValue(268)) # Number of market data entries
print(f”Number of market data entries: {num_entries}”)
prices = []
# Loop over all instances of tag 270 and collect prices
for i in range(num_entries):
price = responseMessage.getFieldValue(270)[i] # Get the i-th value for tag 270
prices.append(float(price)) # Convert to float
# Ensure we have exactly two prices (bid and ask)
if len(prices) == 2:
bid_price_local = min(prices)
ask_price_local = max(prices)
print(“Unexpected number of price entries.”)
# Set global prices for the GUI in a thread-safe manner
with lock:
bid_price = bid_price_local
ask_price = ask_price_local
# Output the results (logging for now)
print(f”Market Data for {symbol}:”)
print(f” Bid: {bid_price}”)
print(f” Ask: {ask_price}”)
elif messageType == “Y”:
print(f”Error Message Received: {raw_message}”)
# Callback for client disconnection
def disconnected(client, reason):
print(f”Disconnected, reason: {reason}”)
# Callback for client connection
def connected(client):
print(“Connected to FIX server!”)
logonRequest = LogonRequest(config) # Create a logon request using the config
print(“Logon request sent.”)
# Function to request market data for EUR/USD
def requestMarketData(client):
# Create a market data request
marketDataRequest = MarketDataRequest(config)
# Set the required fields for the market data request
marketDataRequest.MDReqID = “EURUSD_MarketData” # Unique request ID
marketDataRequest.SubscriptionRequestType = “1” # 1 = Snapshot + Updates
marketDataRequest.MarketDepth = “1” # Depth of market
marketDataRequest.NoMDEntryTypes = “1” # Number of MD entry types
marketDataRequest.MDEntryType = “0” # 0 = Bid, 1 = Offer
marketDataRequest.NoRelatedSym = “1” # Number of related symbols
marketDataRequest.Symbol = “1” # Symbol ID (numeric value for EUR/USD)
print(“Market data request sent for EUR/USD”)
# Load configuration
with open(“config.json”) as configFile:
config = json.load(configFile)
print(“Config loaded:”, config)
# Create the FIX client with the provided configuration
client = Client(config[“Host”], config[“Port”], ssl=config[“SSL”])
# Load the ML model
model = load_model()
# Set the client callbacks
# Starting the client service in a separate process
def start_client_service():
print(“Starting client service…”)
# Run the Twisted reactor in a separate process
if __name__ == “__main__”:
client_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=start_client_service)
client_process.daemon = True
# Run the Tkinter GUI in the main thread
submitted by /u/xUaScalp
[link] [comments]