Simple as that. If you are a news outlet, you should be required to be certified as legitimate with that certification being contingent on truthful/respondible reporting.
It is wild that the news isn’t legally required to tell the truth.
submitted by /u/CacophonyOfSilence
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r/NoStupidQuestions Simple as that. If you are a news outlet, you should be required to be certified as legitimate with that certification being contingent on truthful/respondible reporting. It is wild that the news isn’t legally required to tell the truth. submitted by /u/CacophonyOfSilence [link] [comments]
Simple as that. If you are a news outlet, you should be required to be certified as legitimate with that certification being contingent on truthful/respondible reporting.
It is wild that the news isn’t legally required to tell the truth.
submitted by /u/CacophonyOfSilence
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