Challenge: Budget Calculator (For beginners who have learned variables, operators, and conditionals) /u/Educational-Toe-9439 Python Education

Overview: Combine your knowledge of variables, operators, and conditionals to build a practical program.

Requirements: Write a program that:

Asks the user for their monthly income.

Asks the user for their expenses (rent, groceries, utilities, etc.).

Calculates the remaining balance.

Prints the remaining balance and provides advice based on the following conditions:

If the balance is negative, print: “You are overspending!”

If the balance is greater than zero, print: “You are saving money!”

If the balance is exactly zero, print: “You are breaking even.”

Extensions for Advanced Students:

Add more expense categories.

Include a savings goal and check if the balance meets or exceeds it.

Format the balance to two decimal places using round().

(You can post your answers in the comments and discuss them)

submitted by /u/Educational-Toe-9439
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​r/learnpython Overview: Combine your knowledge of variables, operators, and conditionals to build a practical program. Requirements: Write a program that: Asks the user for their monthly income. Asks the user for their expenses (rent, groceries, utilities, etc.). Calculates the remaining balance. Prints the remaining balance and provides advice based on the following conditions: If the balance is negative, print: “You are overspending!” If the balance is greater than zero, print: “You are saving money!” If the balance is exactly zero, print: “You are breaking even.” Extensions for Advanced Students: Add more expense categories. Include a savings goal and check if the balance meets or exceeds it. Format the balance to two decimal places using round(). (You can post your answers in the comments and discuss them) submitted by /u/Educational-Toe-9439 [link] [comments] 

Overview: Combine your knowledge of variables, operators, and conditionals to build a practical program.

Requirements: Write a program that:

Asks the user for their monthly income.

Asks the user for their expenses (rent, groceries, utilities, etc.).

Calculates the remaining balance.

Prints the remaining balance and provides advice based on the following conditions:

If the balance is negative, print: “You are overspending!”

If the balance is greater than zero, print: “You are saving money!”

If the balance is exactly zero, print: “You are breaking even.”

Extensions for Advanced Students:

Add more expense categories.

Include a savings goal and check if the balance meets or exceeds it.

Format the balance to two decimal places using round().

(You can post your answers in the comments and discuss them)

submitted by /u/Educational-Toe-9439
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