I’ve been in Google’s team matching process for a while now. Since then, I’ve accepted a different offer and started working as a SWE.
I’m wondering if it would help / hurt to tell my Google recruiter this update? Im still excited by the opportunity to match and want to do what’s best. I’d switch to Google if I got an offer from them.
submitted by /u/No_Farmer5715
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r/cscareerquestions I’ve been in Google’s team matching process for a while now. Since then, I’ve accepted a different offer and started working as a SWE. I’m wondering if it would help / hurt to tell my Google recruiter this update? Im still excited by the opportunity to match and want to do what’s best. I’d switch to Google if I got an offer from them. submitted by /u/No_Farmer5715 [link] [comments]
I’ve been in Google’s team matching process for a while now. Since then, I’ve accepted a different offer and started working as a SWE.
I’m wondering if it would help / hurt to tell my Google recruiter this update? Im still excited by the opportunity to match and want to do what’s best. I’d switch to Google if I got an offer from them.
submitted by /u/No_Farmer5715
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