To sum things up, last year I purchased a Chanel bag from a girl who seemed trustworthy. She instagram video called me and everything, but after receiving it, the authenticators told me the item was fake. I reached out to her to get a refund, she agreed, I sent it back, but she didn’t give me the apartment number, so she would have to pick it up from UPS. She told me she would pick it up but never did. The item was returned to me, and she blocked me on everything. The bag was over $1,000.
One of the reassurances she gave me was that her business was registered with SunBiz under Broke Bratz LLC (IG: BrokexBratz/elisatoneto/isnotelisa). However, the address to send any disputes or notices for repayment is a virtual address. All mail was returned, and her name is filed under her last initial.
All I want is my money back. Any suggestions on what I can do next to locate her info so I can take her to court? I filed a police report and hired a lawyer from legal shield but that did nothing. I really appreciate your help and happy new year. (:
submitted by /u/dreamy-7745
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r/NoStupidQuestions To sum things up, last year I purchased a Chanel bag from a girl who seemed trustworthy. She instagram video called me and everything, but after receiving it, the authenticators told me the item was fake. I reached out to her to get a refund, she agreed, I sent it back, but she didn’t give me the apartment number, so she would have to pick it up from UPS. She told me she would pick it up but never did. The item was returned to me, and she blocked me on everything. The bag was over $1,000. One of the reassurances she gave me was that her business was registered with SunBiz under Broke Bratz LLC (IG: BrokexBratz/elisatoneto/isnotelisa). However, the address to send any disputes or notices for repayment is a virtual address. All mail was returned, and her name is filed under her last initial. All I want is my money back. Any suggestions on what I can do next to locate her info so I can take her to court? I filed a police report and hired a lawyer from legal shield but that did nothing. I really appreciate your help and happy new year. (: submitted by /u/dreamy-7745 [link] [comments]
To sum things up, last year I purchased a Chanel bag from a girl who seemed trustworthy. She instagram video called me and everything, but after receiving it, the authenticators told me the item was fake. I reached out to her to get a refund, she agreed, I sent it back, but she didn’t give me the apartment number, so she would have to pick it up from UPS. She told me she would pick it up but never did. The item was returned to me, and she blocked me on everything. The bag was over $1,000.
One of the reassurances she gave me was that her business was registered with SunBiz under Broke Bratz LLC (IG: BrokexBratz/elisatoneto/isnotelisa). However, the address to send any disputes or notices for repayment is a virtual address. All mail was returned, and her name is filed under her last initial.
All I want is my money back. Any suggestions on what I can do next to locate her info so I can take her to court? I filed a police report and hired a lawyer from legal shield but that did nothing. I really appreciate your help and happy new year. (:
submitted by /u/dreamy-7745
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