I want to explore sexually with my husband. /u/nanny_boo_87 Sex

Hello! I’m 37 and my husband is 47, we have been together 15yrs and have 2 kids (7 & 14). We were super stressed for the first half of our relationship and it absolutely killed my sex drive. We were only having sex like 3 or 4 times a year. Over the last few years it’s been slowly improving, in the last year though… well, my sex drive has been crazy high. I can’t get enough and want to jump him all the time. I feel like I’m smothering him. Don’t get me wrong, he’s excited about it. But, I exhaust him and he’s told me that he doesn’t feel like he can physically keep up with me. On top of all that, I really want to explore sexually. I guess when we got together I was still a bit “new” to sex and hadn’t had the chance to try things out. Every time I bring up playing in the bedroom, I get kinda shut down? He’s not mean about it, just kind of shrugs it off. Says he’s not into it. He’s very vanilla and I want to play! I already feel like I’m overwhelming him with regular sex, should I push a little or back off?

submitted by /u/nanny_boo_87
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​r/sex Hello! I’m 37 and my husband is 47, we have been together 15yrs and have 2 kids (7 & 14). We were super stressed for the first half of our relationship and it absolutely killed my sex drive. We were only having sex like 3 or 4 times a year. Over the last few years it’s been slowly improving, in the last year though… well, my sex drive has been crazy high. I can’t get enough and want to jump him all the time. I feel like I’m smothering him. Don’t get me wrong, he’s excited about it. But, I exhaust him and he’s told me that he doesn’t feel like he can physically keep up with me. On top of all that, I really want to explore sexually. I guess when we got together I was still a bit “new” to sex and hadn’t had the chance to try things out. Every time I bring up playing in the bedroom, I get kinda shut down? He’s not mean about it, just kind of shrugs it off. Says he’s not into it. He’s very vanilla and I want to play! I already feel like I’m overwhelming him with regular sex, should I push a little or back off? submitted by /u/nanny_boo_87 [link] [comments] 

Hello! I’m 37 and my husband is 47, we have been together 15yrs and have 2 kids (7 & 14). We were super stressed for the first half of our relationship and it absolutely killed my sex drive. We were only having sex like 3 or 4 times a year. Over the last few years it’s been slowly improving, in the last year though… well, my sex drive has been crazy high. I can’t get enough and want to jump him all the time. I feel like I’m smothering him. Don’t get me wrong, he’s excited about it. But, I exhaust him and he’s told me that he doesn’t feel like he can physically keep up with me. On top of all that, I really want to explore sexually. I guess when we got together I was still a bit “new” to sex and hadn’t had the chance to try things out. Every time I bring up playing in the bedroom, I get kinda shut down? He’s not mean about it, just kind of shrugs it off. Says he’s not into it. He’s very vanilla and I want to play! I already feel like I’m overwhelming him with regular sex, should I push a little or back off?

submitted by /u/nanny_boo_87
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