In Brazil, the term “liberal” is associated with the right-wing, pro-capitalism, and opposed to socialism. It aligns with free markets, minimal government, private property and individual freedom. We learn that John Locke is the “father” of liberalism, recognizing the state’s legitimate role in preserving life, liberty, and property. Here, the term “libertarian” refers to someone on the right-wing who is even more averse to the state, viewing it as illegitimate and often adopting the motto “taxation is theft.”
In the US, however, “liberal” seems to be the opposite of conservative, leaning toward something closer to socialism and identity politics (woke), which in Brazil we would classify as progressives or “esquerdistas” (left-wing).
submitted by /u/henriprocopio
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r/NoStupidQuestions In Brazil, the term “liberal” is associated with the right-wing, pro-capitalism, and opposed to socialism. It aligns with free markets, minimal government, private property and individual freedom. We learn that John Locke is the “father” of liberalism, recognizing the state’s legitimate role in preserving life, liberty, and property. Here, the term “libertarian” refers to someone on the right-wing who is even more averse to the state, viewing it as illegitimate and often adopting the motto “taxation is theft.” In the US, however, “liberal” seems to be the opposite of conservative, leaning toward something closer to socialism and identity politics (woke), which in Brazil we would classify as progressives or “esquerdistas” (left-wing). submitted by /u/henriprocopio [link] [comments]
In Brazil, the term “liberal” is associated with the right-wing, pro-capitalism, and opposed to socialism. It aligns with free markets, minimal government, private property and individual freedom. We learn that John Locke is the “father” of liberalism, recognizing the state’s legitimate role in preserving life, liberty, and property. Here, the term “libertarian” refers to someone on the right-wing who is even more averse to the state, viewing it as illegitimate and often adopting the motto “taxation is theft.”
In the US, however, “liberal” seems to be the opposite of conservative, leaning toward something closer to socialism and identity politics (woke), which in Brazil we would classify as progressives or “esquerdistas” (left-wing).
submitted by /u/henriprocopio
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