I’ve just written an email and needed to correct a couple of words using spell check. It got me thinking, before computers did people really whip a dictionary out to check spellings when writing letters and make sure every word was ok?
I guess the importance of such things was much higher, so would you be put on performance management for bad spelling? Or did most people accept most letters, documents etc would have the odd mistake?
submitted by /u/Suspicious_Edge8004
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r/NoStupidQuestions I’ve just written an email and needed to correct a couple of words using spell check. It got me thinking, before computers did people really whip a dictionary out to check spellings when writing letters and make sure every word was ok? I guess the importance of such things was much higher, so would you be put on performance management for bad spelling? Or did most people accept most letters, documents etc would have the odd mistake? submitted by /u/Suspicious_Edge8004 [link] [comments]
I’ve just written an email and needed to correct a couple of words using spell check. It got me thinking, before computers did people really whip a dictionary out to check spellings when writing letters and make sure every word was ok?
I guess the importance of such things was much higher, so would you be put on performance management for bad spelling? Or did most people accept most letters, documents etc would have the odd mistake?
submitted by /u/Suspicious_Edge8004
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