I’m looking for interesting items/ideas for this build, I’m a paladin of Hoar going sword and board, have plate armor, defense fighting style, shield spell for a lot of AC, (using 2014 rules only) darkness, devil’s sight and elven accuracy once I get a feat, so far I’m level 5 with 2 paladin for smite and 3 warlock, deciding between eldritch mind or improved pact weapon for the other invocation. Any fun ideas will be appreciated, not trying to break the game but the DM has thrown some tough encounters at us, and I want to be able to keep up power wise and have interesting items. I have 400 gold, a ruby of the war mage and a breathing bubble because we’re doing a pirate campaign in the sea of fallen stars.
submitted by /u/Forsaken-Secret6215
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r/DnD I’m looking for interesting items/ideas for this build, I’m a paladin of Hoar going sword and board, have plate armor, defense fighting style, shield spell for a lot of AC, (using 2014 rules only) darkness, devil’s sight and elven accuracy once I get a feat, so far I’m level 5 with 2 paladin for smite and 3 warlock, deciding between eldritch mind or improved pact weapon for the other invocation. Any fun ideas will be appreciated, not trying to break the game but the DM has thrown some tough encounters at us, and I want to be able to keep up power wise and have interesting items. I have 400 gold, a ruby of the war mage and a breathing bubble because we’re doing a pirate campaign in the sea of fallen stars. submitted by /u/Forsaken-Secret6215 [link] [comments]
I’m looking for interesting items/ideas for this build, I’m a paladin of Hoar going sword and board, have plate armor, defense fighting style, shield spell for a lot of AC, (using 2014 rules only) darkness, devil’s sight and elven accuracy once I get a feat, so far I’m level 5 with 2 paladin for smite and 3 warlock, deciding between eldritch mind or improved pact weapon for the other invocation. Any fun ideas will be appreciated, not trying to break the game but the DM has thrown some tough encounters at us, and I want to be able to keep up power wise and have interesting items. I have 400 gold, a ruby of the war mage and a breathing bubble because we’re doing a pirate campaign in the sea of fallen stars.
submitted by /u/Forsaken-Secret6215
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