How can I be the best player for my DM /u/Pretend-Vegetable-17 DnD: Roll for Initiative!

DM has only begun Dming recently, we are a few sessions into the campaign, and in the group there are a few annoying players, I just want to know how I can make their Dungeon mastering easier.

submitted by /u/Pretend-Vegetable-17
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​r/DnD DM has only begun Dming recently, we are a few sessions into the campaign, and in the group there are a few annoying players, I just want to know how I can make their Dungeon mastering easier. submitted by /u/Pretend-Vegetable-17 [link] [comments] 

DM has only begun Dming recently, we are a few sessions into the campaign, and in the group there are a few annoying players, I just want to know how I can make their Dungeon mastering easier.

submitted by /u/Pretend-Vegetable-17
[link] [comments] 

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