My gf doesn’t want to anything even slightly sexual lately /u/Xion_Moto358 Sex

She gets My gf doesn’t want to anything even slightly sexual lately, from making out to touching and from me rubbing her skin and body and doing anything in that area. I feel connected with her when we make out and it’s not like she doesn’t like doing it, we made a promise 3 months ago to stop having sex till we get married next year. We made out a few days ago but she was reluctant because of what happens after, I wanted to suck her finger but that turns her on too, I stopped masturbating so l’m extremely horny at times and making out and doing stuff from base 2-2.5 helps me relieve that tension even though we not smashing. What should I do? I don’t want to make a move on her and get rejected but I also want to do stuff with her besides cuddling. In conclusion she doesn’t want to have sex and I agree too, we want to save it for marriage, we have had sex a lot but we are done rn. Also it just seems like her sexual drive is way lower than mine.

submitted by /u/Xion_Moto358
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​r/sex She gets My gf doesn’t want to anything even slightly sexual lately, from making out to touching and from me rubbing her skin and body and doing anything in that area. I feel connected with her when we make out and it’s not like she doesn’t like doing it, we made a promise 3 months ago to stop having sex till we get married next year. We made out a few days ago but she was reluctant because of what happens after, I wanted to suck her finger but that turns her on too, I stopped masturbating so l’m extremely horny at times and making out and doing stuff from base 2-2.5 helps me relieve that tension even though we not smashing. What should I do? I don’t want to make a move on her and get rejected but I also want to do stuff with her besides cuddling. In conclusion she doesn’t want to have sex and I agree too, we want to save it for marriage, we have had sex a lot but we are done rn. Also it just seems like her sexual drive is way lower than mine. submitted by /u/Xion_Moto358 [link] [comments] 

She gets My gf doesn’t want to anything even slightly sexual lately, from making out to touching and from me rubbing her skin and body and doing anything in that area. I feel connected with her when we make out and it’s not like she doesn’t like doing it, we made a promise 3 months ago to stop having sex till we get married next year. We made out a few days ago but she was reluctant because of what happens after, I wanted to suck her finger but that turns her on too, I stopped masturbating so l’m extremely horny at times and making out and doing stuff from base 2-2.5 helps me relieve that tension even though we not smashing. What should I do? I don’t want to make a move on her and get rejected but I also want to do stuff with her besides cuddling. In conclusion she doesn’t want to have sex and I agree too, we want to save it for marriage, we have had sex a lot but we are done rn. Also it just seems like her sexual drive is way lower than mine.

submitted by /u/Xion_Moto358
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