I want my boyfriend (28M) to use my toy on me (23F) but idk how to ask??? /u/AlienSheep23 Sex

I really feel weird about it.

His oral & sex with him in general is way hotter than the way the toy makes me feel, but some reason I’m just very into my new toy for the moment, and I kinda want to get my boyfriend to use it on me.

I feel weird about asking, BECAUSE I don’t want to make him feel like he isn’t enough. He knows I use it / thinks it’s hot, wants to watch, and we otherwise have fantastic communication with one another as if we’re the same person, and I’ve straight up asked him for way more embarrassing stuff before, so idk. I just feel very embarrassed about asking him for this particular thing for whatever reason, and I’m not real real sure how to go about doing so.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/AlienSheep23
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​r/sex I really feel weird about it. His oral & sex with him in general is way hotter than the way the toy makes me feel, but some reason I’m just very into my new toy for the moment, and I kinda want to get my boyfriend to use it on me. I feel weird about asking, BECAUSE I don’t want to make him feel like he isn’t enough. He knows I use it / thinks it’s hot, wants to watch, and we otherwise have fantastic communication with one another as if we’re the same person, and I’ve straight up asked him for way more embarrassing stuff before, so idk. I just feel very embarrassed about asking him for this particular thing for whatever reason, and I’m not real real sure how to go about doing so. Any advice? submitted by /u/AlienSheep23 [link] [comments] 

I really feel weird about it.

His oral & sex with him in general is way hotter than the way the toy makes me feel, but some reason I’m just very into my new toy for the moment, and I kinda want to get my boyfriend to use it on me.

I feel weird about asking, BECAUSE I don’t want to make him feel like he isn’t enough. He knows I use it / thinks it’s hot, wants to watch, and we otherwise have fantastic communication with one another as if we’re the same person, and I’ve straight up asked him for way more embarrassing stuff before, so idk. I just feel very embarrassed about asking him for this particular thing for whatever reason, and I’m not real real sure how to go about doing so.

Any advice?

submitted by /u/AlienSheep23
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