Why are red tailed hawks used to make noises for bald eagles in movies? /u/MrFBIGamin No such thing as stupid questions

When you watch a movie, you hear a bald eagle screech, but this doesn’t come from a bald eagle, instead it comes from a red tailed hawk. Real life bald eagles sound like seagulls on drugs.

For real life comparison, here is the sound effect for both bald eagles and red tailed hawks.

Bald eagle: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RArGl2vkGI

Red tailed hawk: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=33DWqRyAAUw&pp=ygUUcmVkIHRhaWxlZCBoYXdrIGNhbGw%3D

submitted by /u/MrFBIGamin
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​r/NoStupidQuestions When you watch a movie, you hear a bald eagle screech, but this doesn’t come from a bald eagle, instead it comes from a red tailed hawk. Real life bald eagles sound like seagulls on drugs. For real life comparison, here is the sound effect for both bald eagles and red tailed hawks. Bald eagle: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RArGl2vkGI Red tailed hawk: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=33DWqRyAAUw&pp=ygUUcmVkIHRhaWxlZCBoYXdrIGNhbGw%3D submitted by /u/MrFBIGamin [link] [comments] 

When you watch a movie, you hear a bald eagle screech, but this doesn’t come from a bald eagle, instead it comes from a red tailed hawk. Real life bald eagles sound like seagulls on drugs.

For real life comparison, here is the sound effect for both bald eagles and red tailed hawks.

Bald eagle: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9RArGl2vkGI

Red tailed hawk: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=33DWqRyAAUw&pp=ygUUcmVkIHRhaWxlZCBoYXdrIGNhbGw%3D

submitted by /u/MrFBIGamin
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