Anyone else kind of impressed by the Indian/Chinese sense of solidarity? /u/throwaway133332222 CSCQ protests reddit

I feel like their ability to stick up for one another is unmatched among any other high paying industry. I know there was the whole thing with Indian people of different castes fighting at Cisco but as a whole these two groups’ propensity to hire their own nationality is kind of impressive to me even though I see why it’s so problematic. Koreans are kind of known for doing the opposite with pretty much zero sense of obligation to hire other Koreans whether its for technical roles or not. I know most Korean SWEs in the Bay Area are either completely apathetic or don’t even want to deal with the diaspora and actually prefer not to hire other Koreans. There are so few other Asian nationals in tech (Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino etc.) it’s hard to make a generalization about other groups but just interesting that different nationalities have such different mindset about race and hiring.

submitted by /u/throwaway133332222
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​r/cscareerquestions I feel like their ability to stick up for one another is unmatched among any other high paying industry. I know there was the whole thing with Indian people of different castes fighting at Cisco but as a whole these two groups’ propensity to hire their own nationality is kind of impressive to me even though I see why it’s so problematic. Koreans are kind of known for doing the opposite with pretty much zero sense of obligation to hire other Koreans whether its for technical roles or not. I know most Korean SWEs in the Bay Area are either completely apathetic or don’t even want to deal with the diaspora and actually prefer not to hire other Koreans. There are so few other Asian nationals in tech (Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino etc.) it’s hard to make a generalization about other groups but just interesting that different nationalities have such different mindset about race and hiring. submitted by /u/throwaway133332222 [link] [comments] 

I feel like their ability to stick up for one another is unmatched among any other high paying industry. I know there was the whole thing with Indian people of different castes fighting at Cisco but as a whole these two groups’ propensity to hire their own nationality is kind of impressive to me even though I see why it’s so problematic. Koreans are kind of known for doing the opposite with pretty much zero sense of obligation to hire other Koreans whether its for technical roles or not. I know most Korean SWEs in the Bay Area are either completely apathetic or don’t even want to deal with the diaspora and actually prefer not to hire other Koreans. There are so few other Asian nationals in tech (Japanese, Vietnamese, Filipino etc.) it’s hard to make a generalization about other groups but just interesting that different nationalities have such different mindset about race and hiring.

submitted by /u/throwaway133332222
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