Thoughts on period sex? /u/Due_Abroad2624 Sex

I’m going to sleepover at this guys house tomorrow and we were planning on having sex however I just got my period, do you think it’s weird to ask him to still have sex? Like for a first time fucking someone on your period? Is that a turn off? Also should I tell him before I go over there I’m on it cause he might not want me to stay over if I do. What do I do?

submitted by /u/Due_Abroad2624
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​r/sex I’m going to sleepover at this guys house tomorrow and we were planning on having sex however I just got my period, do you think it’s weird to ask him to still have sex? Like for a first time fucking someone on your period? Is that a turn off? Also should I tell him before I go over there I’m on it cause he might not want me to stay over if I do. What do I do? submitted by /u/Due_Abroad2624 [link] [comments] 

I’m going to sleepover at this guys house tomorrow and we were planning on having sex however I just got my period, do you think it’s weird to ask him to still have sex? Like for a first time fucking someone on your period? Is that a turn off? Also should I tell him before I go over there I’m on it cause he might not want me to stay over if I do. What do I do?

submitted by /u/Due_Abroad2624
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