Jani’s Trashpile is the Best Mount Ever <3 /u/AdGroundbreaking3566 World of Warcraft

Jani’s Trashpile is the Best Mount Ever <3 /u/AdGroundbreaking3566 World of Warcraft
Jani's Trashpile is the Best Mount Ever <3


From the hysterical laughter when you finish summoning it, to the weapon on its small arm, this mount fleshes out perfectly the thieving trash-lizard we all adored during BfA.

I love everything about it and especially spamming the space button to listen more of its laughter. I hope the detail of the weapon in the hand is not a bug. I adore it!

submitted by /u/AdGroundbreaking3566
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​r/wow https://preview.redd.it/kx3vuwckws8e1.png?width=874&format=png&auto=webp&s=c26befe13da0f092158eeeab05e04d912c0d5535 From the hysterical laughter when you finish summoning it, to the weapon on its small arm, this mount fleshes out perfectly the thieving trash-lizard we all adored during BfA. I love everything about it and especially spamming the space button to listen more of its laughter. I hope the detail of the weapon in the hand is not a bug. I adore it! submitted by /u/AdGroundbreaking3566 [link] [comments] 

Jani's Trashpile is the Best Mount Ever <3


From the hysterical laughter when you finish summoning it, to the weapon on its small arm, this mount fleshes out perfectly the thieving trash-lizard we all adored during BfA.

I love everything about it and especially spamming the space button to listen more of its laughter. I hope the detail of the weapon in the hand is not a bug. I adore it!

submitted by /u/AdGroundbreaking3566
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