I’ve had every Darkshore mount for years save for the Kodo, I’ve hunted it off and on since I started playing during BFA. I’ve seen it twice before, one time someone got to it before me, the other time it despawned in front of my eyes. I literally screamed when I got it, this feels better than any other mount I’ve gotten from a random drop chance. I know it’s a silly mount to be excited about, but finally… My collection is complete! Now to move on to the TLPD and spend 7ish more years hunting that instead. submitted by /u/Kahluka |
r/wow https://preview.redd.it/becmctwr7u8e1.png?width=1058&format=png&auto=webp&s=626cce7b684d44efd67a6c11a5206f7006c6c00c I’ve had every Darkshore mount for years save for the Kodo, I’ve hunted it off and on since I started playing during BFA. I’ve seen it twice before, one time someone got to it before me, the other time it despawned in front of my eyes. I literally screamed when I got it, this feels better than any other mount I’ve gotten from a random drop chance. I know it’s a silly mount to be excited about, but finally… My collection is complete! Now to move on to the TLPD and spend 7ish more years hunting that instead. submitted by /u/Kahluka [link] [comments]
I’ve had every Darkshore mount for years save for the Kodo, I’ve hunted it off and on since I started playing during BFA. I’ve seen it twice before, one time someone got to it before me, the other time it despawned in front of my eyes. I literally screamed when I got it, this feels better than any other mount I’ve gotten from a random drop chance. I know it’s a silly mount to be excited about, but finally… My collection is complete! Now to move on to the TLPD and spend 7ish more years hunting that instead. submitted by /u/Kahluka |