How to convert a Selenium script into a desktop app? /u/ThePsychedelicSeal Python Education

I am working on an automation tool that will fill out contact forms across many web pages. Each website is a different “WEBSITE_CONFIG” that has the CSS/Name selectors for the fields. Currently, the information to be entered is variables in the Selenium script.

I want to convert this to a desktop app where you can enter the variables on some interface. Since the target websites will change for each person, I also need some way to enter the list of websites. This is currently populated on an Excel sheet so if the app could read a column of the Excel sheet, that would streamline things.

The intended workflow of this app would be:

  1. The user enters variables (name, phone, email, etc.) in the app
  2. Attach an Excel sheet with all the target websites
  3. Click Run
  4. The website opens
  5. The program searches for a URL match in the WEBSITE_CONFIGS and enters the information
  6. A new tab opens and the process continues

**Steps 4-6 are already implemented in the Selenium script.

Sorry for the broad question, but happy to clarify anything! Thank you in advance for any direction!

submitted by /u/ThePsychedelicSeal
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​r/learnpython I am working on an automation tool that will fill out contact forms across many web pages. Each website is a different “WEBSITE_CONFIG” that has the CSS/Name selectors for the fields. Currently, the information to be entered is variables in the Selenium script. I want to convert this to a desktop app where you can enter the variables on some interface. Since the target websites will change for each person, I also need some way to enter the list of websites. This is currently populated on an Excel sheet so if the app could read a column of the Excel sheet, that would streamline things. The intended workflow of this app would be: The user enters variables (name, phone, email, etc.) in the app Attach an Excel sheet with all the target websites Click Run The website opens The program searches for a URL match in the WEBSITE_CONFIGS and enters the information A new tab opens and the process continues **Steps 4-6 are already implemented in the Selenium script. Sorry for the broad question, but happy to clarify anything! Thank you in advance for any direction! submitted by /u/ThePsychedelicSeal [link] [comments] 

I am working on an automation tool that will fill out contact forms across many web pages. Each website is a different “WEBSITE_CONFIG” that has the CSS/Name selectors for the fields. Currently, the information to be entered is variables in the Selenium script.

I want to convert this to a desktop app where you can enter the variables on some interface. Since the target websites will change for each person, I also need some way to enter the list of websites. This is currently populated on an Excel sheet so if the app could read a column of the Excel sheet, that would streamline things.

The intended workflow of this app would be:

  1. The user enters variables (name, phone, email, etc.) in the app
  2. Attach an Excel sheet with all the target websites
  3. Click Run
  4. The website opens
  5. The program searches for a URL match in the WEBSITE_CONFIGS and enters the information
  6. A new tab opens and the process continues

**Steps 4-6 are already implemented in the Selenium script.

Sorry for the broad question, but happy to clarify anything! Thank you in advance for any direction!

submitted by /u/ThePsychedelicSeal
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