Hello, I am making a neural network in python without using ready-made libraries. I am using pandas and numpy in my project. The network uses data form the specific tickers on the stock market. Using MT5 I get the data which is on my local machine. It consists of several .csv files that have columns with data that is scaled between -3 and 3, and a one hot encoded vector column which indicates if the algorithm should have bought at that time or not. I will link the GitHub repository in this post. The problem I am facing is that the loss only goes as low as 0.69 and not much lower. I have tried all the usual methods like reducing the step size and adding the derivatives more frequently, but nothing has worked. I understand that this dataset has a certain randomness to it and the loss would not be able to get super low, but I found that even if I put in different stock data the loss stops at the same amount. If anyone has any tips it would be great to hear!
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math
import glob
from tqdm import tqdm
from decimal import Decimal
import sys
def find_values(file_path):
#reads the csv value
data = pd.read_csv(file_path)
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error with filepath {file_path}', repr(e))
#placing the buy column into Y so it is the one hot encoded vector
Y = data['buy']
data.drop(columns = 'buy',axis = 1, inplace=True)
data.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1, inplace=True)
#placing the stock values into X
X = data
X = X.to_numpy()
Y = Y.to_numpy()
return X,Y
def standardise_input(input):
#just a standardisation function that returns values which are usualy between -3 and 3
std = np.sum((input-input.mean())**2)/len(input)
std = np.sqrt(std)
output = ((input-input.mean()))/std
return output
def add_w_and_b(input,w,b):
#adds the weights and biases for the given input
output = np.dot(input,w.T)+b
return output
def loss(input, y):
#calculates the binary cross entrpy loss
samples = len(y)
clipped_input = np.clip(input,1e-7,1-1e-7)
correct_confidences = clipped_input[range(samples),y]
negative_log_likelihood = -np.log(correct_confidences)
return negative_log_likelihood
def mean_loss(loss):
#returns the mean of the loss
mean = np.mean(loss)
return mean
def relu(input):
#rectified linear unit activation function
output = np.maximum(0,input)
return output
def relu_deriv(hidden):
#derivative of relu function
hidden = np.where(hidden > 0, 1, 0)
return hidden
def weight_deriv(input):
#the derivative of the weights is just the input but i put this here so i dont get confused later
return input
def bias_deriv(bias):
#derivative of the bias
output = np.ones(bias.shape)
return output
def softmax(output_layer):
#softmax activation function for the final layer
exp_layer = np.exp(output_layer - np.max(output_layer,axis=1,keepdims=True))
norm_values = exp_layer/ np.sum(exp_layer, axis =1,keepdims=True)
return norm_values
def loss_deriv(input,y):
#derivative of loss
result = np.array([[1, 0] if i % 2 == 0 else [0, 1] for i in range(len(y))])
deriv = input - result
return deriv
#finds all the filepaths for all of the .csv files in the training data folder
filepaths = [file for file in glob.glob(f'D:/bruh/trading_deep_learning/train_data/*.csv')]
step_size = 0.0001
#randomly initializing the weights and setting the biases to 0
weights1 = np.random.rand(20,14)
weights2 = np.random.rand(10,20)
weights3 = np.random.rand(2,10)
biases1 = np.zeros((1, 20))
biases2 = np.zeros((1, 10))
biases3 = np.zeros((1, 2))
weights1 = np.array(weights1)
weights2 = np.array(weights2)
weights3 = np.array(weights3)
biases1 = np.array(biases1)
biases2 = np.array(biases2)
biases3 = np.array(biases3)
accuracy_avg = 0
update_frequency = 1 #this is freqently the drivatives will be added to the weights and biases
for i in tqdm(range(100)): #arbitrairy number of itterations
counter = 0
w1=w2=w3=b1=b2=b3 = 0
accuracy = 0
for file_path in filepaths:#for every ticker we find the derivatives
x,y = find_values(file_path)
counter +=1
z1 = add_w_and_b(x,weights1,biases1)
hidden1 = relu(z1)
z2 = add_w_and_b(hidden1,weights2,biases2)
hidden2 = relu(z2)
z3 = add_w_and_b(hidden2,weights3,biases3)
hidden3 = softmax(z3)
ccentropy_loss = loss(hidden3,y)
mean_ccentropy_loss = mean_loss(ccentropy_loss)
#we made the forward step in the lines above and now we are propagating backwards and getting the derivatives
hidden1_deriv = relu_deriv(hidden1)
hidden2_deriv = relu_deriv(hidden2)
lossDz3 = loss_deriv(hidden3,y)
lossDweights3 = np.dot(lossDz3.T,weight_deriv(hidden2))
lossDbiases3 = np.sum(lossDz3,axis=0)
lossDbiases3 = lossDbiases3.reshape((len(lossDbiases3), 1))
lossDhidden2 = np.dot(lossDz3,weight_deriv(weights3))
lossDz2 = np.multiply(lossDhidden2,hidden2_deriv)
lossDweights2 = np.dot(lossDz2.T,weight_deriv(hidden1))
lossDbiases2 = np.sum(lossDz2,axis=0)
lossDbiases2 = lossDbiases2.reshape((len(lossDbiases2), 1))
lossDhidden1 = np.dot(lossDz2,weight_deriv(weights2))
lossDz1 = np.multiply(lossDhidden1,hidden1_deriv)
lossDweights1 = np.dot(lossDz1.T,weight_deriv(x))
lossDbiases1 = np.sum(lossDz1,axis=0)
lossDbiases1 = lossDbiases1.reshape((len(lossDbiases1), 1))
samples = len(y)
clipped_input = np.clip(hidden3,1e-7,1-1e-7)
correct_confidences = clipped_input[range(samples),y]
#finding the accuracy
for x in correct_confidences:
if x < 0.5:
accuracy += 1
accuracy_avg += accuracy/len(y)
accuracy = 0
w1 += lossDweights1
w2 += lossDweights2
w3 += lossDweights3
b1 += lossDbiases1.T
b2 += lossDbiases2.T
b3 += lossDbiases3.T
#updating the weights and biases
if counter % update_frequency == 0:
weights1 -= (w1/update_frequency)*step_size
weights2 -= (w2/update_frequency)*step_size
weights3 -= (w3/update_frequency)*step_size
biases1 -= (b1/update_frequency)*step_size
biases2 -= (b2/update_frequency)*step_size
biases3 -= (b3/update_frequency)*step_size
w1=w2=w3=b1=b2=b3 = 0
accuracy_avg = accuracy_avg/len(filepaths)
if i % 10 == 0:
step_size *= 0.9
if i% 6 == 0:
accuracy_avg = 0
print(f"sum_loss: {np.sum(ccentropy_loss)}")
print(f"mean_loss: {mean_ccentropy_loss}n")
#here we are doing one forward step on the test data to see the difference between the two
mean_average_loss = 0
filepaths1 = [file for file in glob.glob(f'D:/bruh/trading_deep_learning/test_data/*.csv')]
for file_path1 in tqdm(filepaths1):
x1,y1 = find_values(file_path1)
z1 = add_w_and_b(x1,weights1,biases1)
hidden1 = relu(z1)
z2 = add_w_and_b(hidden1,weights2,biases2)
hidden2 = relu(z2)
z3 = add_w_and_b(hidden2,weights3,biases3)
hidden3 = softmax(z3)
ccentropy_loss = loss(hidden3,y1)
mean_ccentropy_loss = mean_loss(ccentropy_loss)
mean_average_loss +=mean_ccentropy_loss
submitted by /u/maksimkaran6
[link] [comments]
r/learnpython Hello, I am making a neural network in python without using ready-made libraries. I am using pandas and numpy in my project. The network uses data form the specific tickers on the stock market. Using MT5 I get the data which is on my local machine. It consists of several .csv files that have columns with data that is scaled between -3 and 3, and a one hot encoded vector column which indicates if the algorithm should have bought at that time or not. I will link the GitHub repository in this post. The problem I am facing is that the loss only goes as low as 0.69 and not much lower. I have tried all the usual methods like reducing the step size and adding the derivatives more frequently, but nothing has worked. I understand that this dataset has a certain randomness to it and the loss would not be able to get super low, but I found that even if I put in different stock data the loss stops at the same amount. If anyone has any tips it would be great to hear! GitHub Repository import numpy as np import pandas as pd import math import glob from tqdm import tqdm from decimal import Decimal import sys def find_values(file_path): #reads the csv value try: data = pd.read_csv(file_path) except Exception as e: print(f’Error with filepath {file_path}’, repr(e)) #placing the buy column into Y so it is the one hot encoded vector Y = data[‘buy’] data.drop(columns = ‘buy’,axis = 1, inplace=True) data.drop(‘Unnamed: 0′, axis=1, inplace=True) #placing the stock values into X X = data X = X.to_numpy() Y = Y.to_numpy() return X,Y def standardise_input(input): #just a standardisation function that returns values which are usualy between -3 and 3 std = np.sum((input-input.mean())**2)/len(input) std = np.sqrt(std) output = ((input-input.mean()))/std return output def add_w_and_b(input,w,b): #adds the weights and biases for the given input output = np.dot(input,w.T)+b return output def loss(input, y): #calculates the binary cross entrpy loss samples = len(y) clipped_input = np.clip(input,1e-7,1-1e-7) correct_confidences = clipped_input[range(samples),y] negative_log_likelihood = -np.log(correct_confidences) return negative_log_likelihood def mean_loss(loss): #returns the mean of the loss mean = np.mean(loss) return mean def relu(input): #rectified linear unit activation function output = np.maximum(0,input) return output def relu_deriv(hidden): #derivative of relu function hidden = np.where(hidden > 0, 1, 0) return hidden def weight_deriv(input): #the derivative of the weights is just the input but i put this here so i dont get confused later return input def bias_deriv(bias): #derivative of the bias output = np.ones(bias.shape) return output def softmax(output_layer): #softmax activation function for the final layer exp_layer = np.exp(output_layer – np.max(output_layer,axis=1,keepdims=True)) norm_values = exp_layer/ np.sum(exp_layer, axis =1,keepdims=True) return norm_values def loss_deriv(input,y): #derivative of loss result = np.array([[1, 0] if i % 2 == 0 else [0, 1] for i in range(len(y))]) deriv = input – result return deriv #finds all the filepaths for all of the .csv files in the training data folder filepaths = [file for file in glob.glob(f’D:/bruh/trading_deep_learning/train_data/*.csv’)] step_size = 0.0001 #randomly initializing the weights and setting the biases to 0 weights1 = np.random.rand(20,14) weights2 = np.random.rand(10,20) weights3 = np.random.rand(2,10) biases1 = np.zeros((1, 20)) biases2 = np.zeros((1, 10)) biases3 = np.zeros((1, 2)) weights1 = np.array(weights1) weights2 = np.array(weights2) weights3 = np.array(weights3) biases1 = np.array(biases1) biases2 = np.array(biases2) biases3 = np.array(biases3) accuracy_avg = 0 update_frequency = 1 #this is freqently the drivatives will be added to the weights and biases for i in tqdm(range(100)): #arbitrairy number of itterations counter = 0 w1=w2=w3=b1=b2=b3 = 0 accuracy = 0 for file_path in filepaths:#for every ticker we find the derivatives x,y = find_values(file_path) counter +=1 z1 = add_w_and_b(x,weights1,biases1) hidden1 = relu(z1) z2 = add_w_and_b(hidden1,weights2,biases2) hidden2 = relu(z2) z3 = add_w_and_b(hidden2,weights3,biases3) hidden3 = softmax(z3) ccentropy_loss = loss(hidden3,y) mean_ccentropy_loss = mean_loss(ccentropy_loss) #we made the forward step in the lines above and now we are propagating backwards and getting the derivatives hidden1_deriv = relu_deriv(hidden1) hidden2_deriv = relu_deriv(hidden2) lossDz3 = loss_deriv(hidden3,y) lossDweights3 = np.dot(lossDz3.T,weight_deriv(hidden2)) lossDbiases3 = np.sum(lossDz3,axis=0) lossDbiases3 = lossDbiases3.reshape((len(lossDbiases3), 1)) lossDhidden2 = np.dot(lossDz3,weight_deriv(weights3)) lossDz2 = np.multiply(lossDhidden2,hidden2_deriv) lossDweights2 = np.dot(lossDz2.T,weight_deriv(hidden1)) lossDbiases2 = np.sum(lossDz2,axis=0) lossDbiases2 = lossDbiases2.reshape((len(lossDbiases2), 1)) lossDhidden1 = np.dot(lossDz2,weight_deriv(weights2)) lossDz1 = np.multiply(lossDhidden1,hidden1_deriv) lossDweights1 = np.dot(lossDz1.T,weight_deriv(x)) lossDbiases1 = np.sum(lossDz1,axis=0) lossDbiases1 = lossDbiases1.reshape((len(lossDbiases1), 1)) samples = len(y) clipped_input = np.clip(hidden3,1e-7,1-1e-7) correct_confidences = clipped_input[range(samples),y] #finding the accuracy for x in correct_confidences: if x < 0.5: accuracy += 1 accuracy_avg += accuracy/len(y) accuracy = 0 w1 += lossDweights1 w2 += lossDweights2 w3 += lossDweights3 b1 += lossDbiases1.T b2 += lossDbiases2.T b3 += lossDbiases3.T #updating the weights and biases if counter % update_frequency == 0: weights1 -= (w1/update_frequency)*step_size weights2 -= (w2/update_frequency)*step_size weights3 -= (w3/update_frequency)*step_size biases1 -= (b1/update_frequency)*step_size biases2 -= (b2/update_frequency)*step_size biases3 -= (b3/update_frequency)*step_size w1=w2=w3=b1=b2=b3 = 0 accuracy_avg = accuracy_avg/len(filepaths) print(“n”,accuracy_avg) if i % 10 == 0: step_size *= 0.9 if i% 6 == 0: #print(“n”,accuracy_avg/5) accuracy_avg = 0 print(f”sum_loss: {np.sum(ccentropy_loss)}”) print(f”mean_loss: {mean_ccentropy_loss}n”) #here we are doing one forward step on the test data to see the difference between the two mean_average_loss = 0 filepaths1 = [file for file in glob.glob(f’D:/bruh/trading_deep_learning/test_data/*.csv’)] for file_path1 in tqdm(filepaths1): x1,y1 = find_values(file_path1) z1 = add_w_and_b(x1,weights1,biases1) hidden1 = relu(z1) z2 = add_w_and_b(hidden1,weights2,biases2) hidden2 = relu(z2) z3 = add_w_and_b(hidden2,weights3,biases3) hidden3 = softmax(z3) ccentropy_loss = loss(hidden3,y1) mean_ccentropy_loss = mean_loss(ccentropy_loss) mean_average_loss +=mean_ccentropy_loss print(mean_average_loss/len(filepaths1)) submitted by /u/maksimkaran6 [link] [comments]
Hello, I am making a neural network in python without using ready-made libraries. I am using pandas and numpy in my project. The network uses data form the specific tickers on the stock market. Using MT5 I get the data which is on my local machine. It consists of several .csv files that have columns with data that is scaled between -3 and 3, and a one hot encoded vector column which indicates if the algorithm should have bought at that time or not. I will link the GitHub repository in this post. The problem I am facing is that the loss only goes as low as 0.69 and not much lower. I have tried all the usual methods like reducing the step size and adding the derivatives more frequently, but nothing has worked. I understand that this dataset has a certain randomness to it and the loss would not be able to get super low, but I found that even if I put in different stock data the loss stops at the same amount. If anyone has any tips it would be great to hear!
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math
import glob
from tqdm import tqdm
from decimal import Decimal
import sys
def find_values(file_path):
#reads the csv value
data = pd.read_csv(file_path)
except Exception as e:
print(f'Error with filepath {file_path}', repr(e))
#placing the buy column into Y so it is the one hot encoded vector
Y = data['buy']
data.drop(columns = 'buy',axis = 1, inplace=True)
data.drop('Unnamed: 0', axis=1, inplace=True)
#placing the stock values into X
X = data
X = X.to_numpy()
Y = Y.to_numpy()
return X,Y
def standardise_input(input):
#just a standardisation function that returns values which are usualy between -3 and 3
std = np.sum((input-input.mean())**2)/len(input)
std = np.sqrt(std)
output = ((input-input.mean()))/std
return output
def add_w_and_b(input,w,b):
#adds the weights and biases for the given input
output = np.dot(input,w.T)+b
return output
def loss(input, y):
#calculates the binary cross entrpy loss
samples = len(y)
clipped_input = np.clip(input,1e-7,1-1e-7)
correct_confidences = clipped_input[range(samples),y]
negative_log_likelihood = -np.log(correct_confidences)
return negative_log_likelihood
def mean_loss(loss):
#returns the mean of the loss
mean = np.mean(loss)
return mean
def relu(input):
#rectified linear unit activation function
output = np.maximum(0,input)
return output
def relu_deriv(hidden):
#derivative of relu function
hidden = np.where(hidden > 0, 1, 0)
return hidden
def weight_deriv(input):
#the derivative of the weights is just the input but i put this here so i dont get confused later
return input
def bias_deriv(bias):
#derivative of the bias
output = np.ones(bias.shape)
return output
def softmax(output_layer):
#softmax activation function for the final layer
exp_layer = np.exp(output_layer - np.max(output_layer,axis=1,keepdims=True))
norm_values = exp_layer/ np.sum(exp_layer, axis =1,keepdims=True)
return norm_values
def loss_deriv(input,y):
#derivative of loss
result = np.array([[1, 0] if i % 2 == 0 else [0, 1] for i in range(len(y))])
deriv = input - result
return deriv
#finds all the filepaths for all of the .csv files in the training data folder
filepaths = [file for file in glob.glob(f'D:/bruh/trading_deep_learning/train_data/*.csv')]
step_size = 0.0001
#randomly initializing the weights and setting the biases to 0
weights1 = np.random.rand(20,14)
weights2 = np.random.rand(10,20)
weights3 = np.random.rand(2,10)
biases1 = np.zeros((1, 20))
biases2 = np.zeros((1, 10))
biases3 = np.zeros((1, 2))
weights1 = np.array(weights1)
weights2 = np.array(weights2)
weights3 = np.array(weights3)
biases1 = np.array(biases1)
biases2 = np.array(biases2)
biases3 = np.array(biases3)
accuracy_avg = 0
update_frequency = 1 #this is freqently the drivatives will be added to the weights and biases
for i in tqdm(range(100)): #arbitrairy number of itterations
counter = 0
w1=w2=w3=b1=b2=b3 = 0
accuracy = 0
for file_path in filepaths:#for every ticker we find the derivatives
x,y = find_values(file_path)
counter +=1
z1 = add_w_and_b(x,weights1,biases1)
hidden1 = relu(z1)
z2 = add_w_and_b(hidden1,weights2,biases2)
hidden2 = relu(z2)
z3 = add_w_and_b(hidden2,weights3,biases3)
hidden3 = softmax(z3)
ccentropy_loss = loss(hidden3,y)
mean_ccentropy_loss = mean_loss(ccentropy_loss)
#we made the forward step in the lines above and now we are propagating backwards and getting the derivatives
hidden1_deriv = relu_deriv(hidden1)
hidden2_deriv = relu_deriv(hidden2)
lossDz3 = loss_deriv(hidden3,y)
lossDweights3 = np.dot(lossDz3.T,weight_deriv(hidden2))
lossDbiases3 = np.sum(lossDz3,axis=0)
lossDbiases3 = lossDbiases3.reshape((len(lossDbiases3), 1))
lossDhidden2 = np.dot(lossDz3,weight_deriv(weights3))
lossDz2 = np.multiply(lossDhidden2,hidden2_deriv)
lossDweights2 = np.dot(lossDz2.T,weight_deriv(hidden1))
lossDbiases2 = np.sum(lossDz2,axis=0)
lossDbiases2 = lossDbiases2.reshape((len(lossDbiases2), 1))
lossDhidden1 = np.dot(lossDz2,weight_deriv(weights2))
lossDz1 = np.multiply(lossDhidden1,hidden1_deriv)
lossDweights1 = np.dot(lossDz1.T,weight_deriv(x))
lossDbiases1 = np.sum(lossDz1,axis=0)
lossDbiases1 = lossDbiases1.reshape((len(lossDbiases1), 1))
samples = len(y)
clipped_input = np.clip(hidden3,1e-7,1-1e-7)
correct_confidences = clipped_input[range(samples),y]
#finding the accuracy
for x in correct_confidences:
if x < 0.5:
accuracy += 1
accuracy_avg += accuracy/len(y)
accuracy = 0
w1 += lossDweights1
w2 += lossDweights2
w3 += lossDweights3
b1 += lossDbiases1.T
b2 += lossDbiases2.T
b3 += lossDbiases3.T
#updating the weights and biases
if counter % update_frequency == 0:
weights1 -= (w1/update_frequency)*step_size
weights2 -= (w2/update_frequency)*step_size
weights3 -= (w3/update_frequency)*step_size
biases1 -= (b1/update_frequency)*step_size
biases2 -= (b2/update_frequency)*step_size
biases3 -= (b3/update_frequency)*step_size
w1=w2=w3=b1=b2=b3 = 0
accuracy_avg = accuracy_avg/len(filepaths)
if i % 10 == 0:
step_size *= 0.9
if i% 6 == 0:
accuracy_avg = 0
print(f"sum_loss: {np.sum(ccentropy_loss)}")
print(f"mean_loss: {mean_ccentropy_loss}n")
#here we are doing one forward step on the test data to see the difference between the two
mean_average_loss = 0
filepaths1 = [file for file in glob.glob(f'D:/bruh/trading_deep_learning/test_data/*.csv')]
for file_path1 in tqdm(filepaths1):
x1,y1 = find_values(file_path1)
z1 = add_w_and_b(x1,weights1,biases1)
hidden1 = relu(z1)
z2 = add_w_and_b(hidden1,weights2,biases2)
hidden2 = relu(z2)
z3 = add_w_and_b(hidden2,weights3,biases3)
hidden3 = softmax(z3)
ccentropy_loss = loss(hidden3,y1)
mean_ccentropy_loss = mean_loss(ccentropy_loss)
mean_average_loss +=mean_ccentropy_loss
submitted by /u/maksimkaran6
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