Pytesseract not installing /u/Specialist_Pear4460 Python Education

So I searched a little bit and stumbled upon pytesseract and I want to try it, I use pycharm so I installed it there, it gave me an error, I installed it “normally” with pip install pytesseract and the code still doesn’t work and now I’ve found that I have to install it from this website and that is need admin rights, but I don’t know why it should need admin rights, and if there is a way to install it directly form pycharm

And yes I have put the

pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'<path_to_pytesseract.exe>'

in my code

submitted by /u/Specialist_Pear4460
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​r/learnpython So I searched a little bit and stumbled upon pytesseract and I want to try it, I use pycharm so I installed it there, it gave me an error, I installed it “normally” with pip install pytesseract and the code still doesn’t work and now I’ve found that I have to install it from this website and that is need admin rights, but I don’t know why it should need admin rights, and if there is a way to install it directly form pycharm And yes I have put the pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'<path_to_pytesseract.exe>’ in my code submitted by /u/Specialist_Pear4460 [link] [comments] 

So I searched a little bit and stumbled upon pytesseract and I want to try it, I use pycharm so I installed it there, it gave me an error, I installed it “normally” with pip install pytesseract and the code still doesn’t work and now I’ve found that I have to install it from this website and that is need admin rights, but I don’t know why it should need admin rights, and if there is a way to install it directly form pycharm

And yes I have put the

pytesseract.pytesseract.tesseract_cmd = r'<path_to_pytesseract.exe>'

in my code

submitted by /u/Specialist_Pear4460
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