How can I increase the number of items that can be used for alchemy in mod with induction alchemy and seal alchemy in maca alchemy? /u/Kuromaguro13 Monster Hunter: World

I’m having trouble understanding the NativePCcommonitemmakamaka_exchange.mkex
I have found that there is a discrepancy between the notation when the above file is opened in MHW Editor and the notation in the game, but I can’t figure it out any further and I’m at a loss!

submitted by /u/Kuromaguro13
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​r/MonsterHunterWorld I’m having trouble understanding the NativePCcommonitemmakamaka_exchange.mkex I have found that there is a discrepancy between the notation when the above file is opened in MHW Editor and the notation in the game, but I can’t figure it out any further and I’m at a loss! submitted by /u/Kuromaguro13 [link] [comments] 

I’m having trouble understanding the NativePCcommonitemmakamaka_exchange.mkex
I have found that there is a discrepancy between the notation when the above file is opened in MHW Editor and the notation in the game, but I can’t figure it out any further and I’m at a loss!

submitted by /u/Kuromaguro13
[link] [comments] 

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