More string method: Classification method, case conversation method, counting and searching method. Solved few MCQ. Solved some problems related to above mention topics.
One question I just stucked!!! Write a problem to check whether the given password is valid or not. Consider the password to be valid if it contains at least one uppercase letter.
Sample input1: Python3.8 Sample output1: Valid Password Sample input 2: sample Sample output2: Invalid Password
submitted by /u/susi_ganesh
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r/learnpython More string method: Classification method, case conversation method, counting and searching method. Solved few MCQ. Solved some problems related to above mention topics. One question I just stucked!!! Write a problem to check whether the given password is valid or not. Consider the password to be valid if it contains at least one uppercase letter. Sample input1: Python3.8 Sample output1: Valid Password Sample input 2: sample Sample output2: Invalid Password submitted by /u/susi_ganesh [link] [comments]
More string method: Classification method, case conversation method, counting and searching method. Solved few MCQ. Solved some problems related to above mention topics.
One question I just stucked!!! Write a problem to check whether the given password is valid or not. Consider the password to be valid if it contains at least one uppercase letter.
Sample input1: Python3.8 Sample output1: Valid Password Sample input 2: sample Sample output2: Invalid Password
submitted by /u/susi_ganesh
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